HUD Makes Rental Vouchers Available for 375 New Orleans Households

HUD is funding Tenant Protection Vouchers (TPV) for rent-subsidized residents displaced as a result of Hurricane Katrina from the following properties:

A TPV provides rental assistance to help families' rent decent, safe and sanitary housing in the private rental market. If you are currently receiving assistance through the Disaster Voucher Program (DVP) or Section 8 Project Based Assistance, you are still eligible for consideration of a TPV.

For more information, contact:
(877) 615-5566

TPVs are only available for a limited time. If you lived in a unit covered by a Housing Assistance Payment (Project-Based Section 8) contract and were displaced by Hurricane Katrina from one of the above properties, please contact HUD immediately at (877) 615-5566. Displaced residents must have their occupancy status at the time of Hurricane Katrina verified and complete a family certification no later than December 31, 2008.

* You must meet the eligibility requirements of the Section 8 Housing Voucher Program to receive voucher assistance

Content Archived: July 18, 2011