Grant Writing Training for
Faith and Community Based Groups in Grand Rapids
Gets High Marks

[Photo 1: Lou Berra is talking to class]
Lou Berra addresses the class.

[Photo 2: Sheila Ashley is talking to class]
Sheila Ashley talks to participants

[Photo 3: Class members posing for a group photograph]
Group Photo

The Grand Rapid's Field Office offered training for faith and community based groups on February 5 and 6 at the Fuller Avenue Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids. Although West Michigan was experiencing winter weather, nearly 50 participants managed to find a way to the church for a chance to receive help in applying for federal grants.

Louis M. Berra, Field Office Director for the Grand Rapids Field Office warmly welcomed everyone and provided a brief overview of the initiative and purpose for the training.

Sheila Ashley, Operations Specialist and Faith-Based & Community-Based Liaison for the Milwaukee Field Office then kicked the event into high gear and used her training along with personal experiences to put forth an excellent two-day presentation that was well received by attendees. Sheila managed to engage the audience with her humor and wit providing an open interactive atmosphere. Terri Sanchez, Operations Specialist and Faith-Based & Community-Based Liaison for Grand Rapids assisted by interjecting local flavor and information to address specific issues where needed.

Many of the participants in HUD's free grants writing training gathered for a "class photo," on the final day.

Participants totaled 42 on the first day and, with 35 returning on day two to finish the training and qualify for a completion certificate. Working lunches provided a perfect opportunity for individuals to network with each other and talk about shared knowledge and experiences.

Content Archived: July 29, 2011