HUD Sends Big Check to Flint

[Photo: Group of people pose with Galvan and big check]
Pictured, left to right: back Row Ron Brown, Flint Odyssey/Flint STRIVE, (hidden from view is Jennifer Lichen, New Passages), Steven Walker, CEO GC Community Action Resource Department, Jim Milanwoski, CEO Intake Assessment & Referral Center, Ravi Yalamanchi, CEO, Metro Housing Partnership Inc., Karen Folks, CEO, YWCA, Louis Berra, Acting FOD Flint. Front Row L-R Monica Bellany, New Passages Shelter Plus Care, Cheryl Wallis, GC Community Mental Health, Joseph Galvan, RD.

[Photo: Loviong, Galvan and Yalamanci pose with big check]
Pictured left to right: Pam Loving, CEO - Career Alliance, Joseph Galvan, and Ravi Yalamanchi, CEO- Metro Housing Partnership, Inc.

On March 8, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Regional Director Joseph P. Galvan presented the Flint/Genesee County Continuum of Care with a $2,534,551 grant to support local programs that house and serve homeless persons through Permanent Supportive Housing, transitional housing, a Homeless Daily Living Program, assistance to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, help for disabled individuals and families and more. These funds are part of $1.33 billion nationwide that HUD is providing for critically needed assistance to persons and families living without a home of their own. HUD's funding also included $45,245,025 to support Continuums of Care and their local programs throughout Michigan.

At the same special event, HUD awarded a $393,687 grant to a collaborative effort between Career Alliance Inc., (CAI) and Metro Housing Partnership, Inc., (MHP). To enable them to provide 20 low-income youth ages 18-24 with the skills and training to rehabilitate three houses by helping young people graduate high school, train for a future in the construction trades, and produce affordable homes for lower income families.

Content Archived: July 29, 2011