HUD Hosts HOME Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) Training

[Photo: folks at tables watching screen] HOME CHDO Training Attendees

Spanning Tuesday and Wednesday, April 5th and 6th, the Omaha Community Planning and Development Division hosted a two-day course targeted to Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs) and new staff of existing CHDOs. Participating Jurisdiction (PJ) staff also participated.

The training focused on the HOME CHDO Program regulatory requirements, including the CHDO set-aside and the relationship between PJs and CHDOs; criteria an organization must meet to be designated as a CHDO; regulatory requirements pertaining to the development of homebuyer and rental activities; and definition of CHDO roles.  

The workshop was part of its current training series sponsored by HUD's Office of Affordable Housing Program, and was conducted by one of HUD's technical assistance providers, Training & Development Associates (TDA). Approximately 35 people from Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas attended the course.

Contact the Omaha Community Planning and Development Division.


Content Archived: February 24, 2018