HUD Archives: News Releases

Kristine Foye
(617) 994-8218

For Release
September 18, 2008

Funding to renew critical lifeline for persons at risk for homelessness

Today, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Regional Director Taylor Caswell announced that more than $500,000 in funding has been awarded to Harbor Homes to assist people living with HIV/AIDS find a stable
home and receive the services they need to manage their illness.

The grant, awarded under HUD's Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program, is part of $1.4
million awarded in New Hampshire, and $19.3 million awarded nationwide to 18 local programs across the country. Housing assistance and related services funded by HOPWA are a vital part of the comprehensive system of care for those living with HIV/AIDS. A stable home environment is critical for low-income persons managing complex drug therapies, allowing them to access this support and maintain such care in a consistent and effective manner.

"These grants are quite literally a lifeline for those struggling to find a decent home while trying to manage a
complex illness," said Caswell. "Harbor Homes has been an excellent partner in offering families the support they
need to concentrate on staying healthy instead of worrying how they'll pay next month's rent."

With the funding, Harbor Homes will serve 50 households per year by providing short-term mortgage, rental and
utility assistance, as well as support services over the next three-year period. Harbor Homes will continue partnering with the Southern New Hampshire HIV/AIDS Task Force, an organization that provides clients housing case management and counseling support services. The program gives preference to those who are homeless, in imminent danger of homelessness, and/or those with dual or multiple diagnoses.

"This funding is essential to relieving the strain that these individuals and families experience as they struggle with
a diagnosis of HIV or AIDS," said Peter Kelleher, president and CEO of Harbor Homes. "By assisting with housing, we are able to remove some of the barriers that prevent clients from receiving access to high quality health care
services in our community."

Since 1999, nearly 200 individuals living with HIV/AIDS in southern Hillsborough County have received critical
services through Harbor Homes to maintain their housing.

In addition to the funding awarded to Harbor Homes, the State of New Hampshire received a $966,600 HOPWA
grant to continue providing assistance to 100 households. The program administered by the state Department of Health and Human Services stabilizes participants' current housing situation and provides support services to allow them to remain in their own residences.


Content Archived: March 17, 2011