New Grantees Network

[Photo: Grantees meeting]
Grantees' first quarterly meeting

The Grantee Resource and Information Partnerships (GRIP) gives grantees an opportunity to share knowledge and resources. Created by the Albuquerque office of HUD's Community and Planning Development Department (CPD), GRIP has become an essential part of successful grantee management in our largely rural state. These meetings will assist HUD and New Mexico's grantees in administering the Department's grant programs.

At the first meeting, participants received the most current information related to their specific grant programs. CPD Representatives also facilitated discussions related to technical assistance needs. The topics covered included:

  • Program Income and other Financial Issues
  • Notifications of Grant Approvals
  • Restrictive Covenants on Property Acquisition
  • Annual Performance Review Deadlines
  • LOCCS Information
  • HOPWA Makes a Difference
  • Community Development Block Grant, Entitlements and State
  • Rural Housing and Economic Development (RHED)
  • Section 108
  • EDI
  • Consolidated Plan, Action Plan, and CAPER deadlines
  • IDIS updates Low Mod Income Data from 2000 Census (update)

GRIP will meet quarterly to participate in breakout sessions and to share ideas and successes. The grantees will be updated on past discussions and will be asked for input on future meetings. CPD Representatives are excited about the opportunity to work closely in this exchange of ideas. For information about the next meeting, contact CPD.

Content Archived: July 20, 2011