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2002 Child Healthy Home Conference

The HUD Buffalo Field Office held the 2002 Child Healthy Home Conference at Erie Community College City Campus in Buffalo on May 22, 2002. The purpose of the conference was to highlight the connection between housing quality and children's health. Issues such as asthma, electrical safety, carbon monoxide poisoning, and elevated blood lead levels were discussed, and speakers demonstrated how these issues are strongly linked to indoor air quality and other environmental conditions.

Conference workshops included:

  • Children's Environmental Health Issues
  • Healthy Homes
  • Public Education and Community Outreach
  • Home Safety

The Conference was sponsored by HUD in conjunction with the US Department of Health and Human Services, US Environmental Protection Agency, National Fuel Company, and Niagara Mohawk/ National Grid.

Over 100 persons attended the conference.

Content Archived: March 07, 2011

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