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HUD NY Office Celebrates Chinese New Year

HUD NY Office Celebrates Chinese New Year

Mirza Negron Morales, Region II Deputy Regional Administrator, joined in the luncheon celebration of the Year of the Rabbit hosted by the New York City Housing Authority's Chinese-American Association in mid-March. (Mirza is in the middle of the photo dressed in a red sweater and black turtleneck. Also, not photographed but attending the event was HUD New York Public Housing Director Luigi D'Ancona.) To welcome in the New Year, 4709, many Chinese have been buying baby bunnies as presents for friends and family. The rabbit is the fourth of 12 astrological signs in the Chinese Lunar Calendar. Each sign denotes different characteristics and is said to influence the course of life, much like the western zodiac. If you're a bunny baby you are said to be talented, virtuous, reserved and kind. Rabbits are also prosperous and fashionable, enjoying the finer things in life. Famous rabbits include Elle Macpherson, Jonny Depp, Sting and Drew Barrymore. The Chinese New Year is marked all over the world, where it is estimated that more than 230 million people celebrate with crazy pyrotechnics, outlandish costumes and goodies galore. In New York City's Chinatown in Lower Manhattan, lion dancers took to the streets and gifts of money and food (like rabbit shaped sweet rice cakes) were given to family members. The party lasts for almost two weeks and makes up the most important celebration in the Chinese calendar.


Content Archived: December 3, 2013

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