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HUD Joins Its Federal Partners to Host Workshop on 'Engaging Men and Boys in Ending Violence Against Women and Girls'

(left to right) Joe Samalin, Coordinator of Training and Technical Assistance, Men Can Stop Rape, and Quentin Walcott, Director of Training, CONNECT

On Saturday, October 29th, HUD joined with the Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, and Labor to host a workshop on Engaging Men and Boys in Preventing and Ending Domestic Violence at a Domestic Violence Awareness Conference sponsored by the New York City Housing Authority. The New York workshop was one of ten events that occurred across the country during October to support Vice President Joe Biden's call to action and to commemorate National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Over 70 young people braved the inclement weather and snow to participate in the workshop that was held at York College in Jamaica.

Workshops included sessions with, CONNECT and Men Can Stop Rape, two leading community-based organizations in New York City with extensive experience in community and school-based strategies for promoting healthy teen relationships. The presenters provided education on the scope of the problem and provided tools for teens on action steps they can take to prevent partner violence and promote healthy teen dating relationships.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Statistics show that dating violence is a serious problem in the US. One in four adolescents report verbal, physical, emotional or sexual abuse from a dating partner each year. About 10% of students nationwide report being physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend in the past 12 months. Although tremendous strides in curbing domestic violence have been taken since the passage and reshaping of the Violence Against Women Act, Vice President Biden continues to call on all citizens to help end the violence against women through local and regional partnerships.


Content Archived: December 2, 2013

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