HUD Assistant Secretary Trasvi�a at Somos El Futuro Conference in Albany

[Photo: Asst. Sec. Trasviña and HUD Albany Acting Field Office Director Robert Signoracci]
Asst. Sec. Trasviña and HUD Albany Acting Field Office Director Robert Signoracci

Aware of the importance of fair housing to minority communities, HUD Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity John Trasviña travelled to Albany to attend the Somos El Futuro’s 25th Annual Conference. Assistant Secretary Trasviña was invited to deliver the keynote speech at the event luncheon hosted by the non-profit public policy advocacy group that aims to increase the participation of the Puerto Rican/Hispanic community in the public policy making process. The annual conference attracts thousands of Hispanics who live and do business in New York State, as well as prominent government representatives and Hispanic elected officials.

After the luncheon, Asst. Sec. Trasvina also participated in a Town Hall meeting and a question and answer session where he highlighted President Obama’s initiatives for affordable housing for Latino communities in New York State.


Content Archived: May 21, 2014