HUD Breaks Ground on Last 202-Funded Senior Housing Development in New York City

[Photo 1: A rendering of the completed Cypress Hills Senior Housing Project]
A rendering of the completed Cypress Hills Senior Housing Project

Regional Administrator Holly Leicht joined New York State elected officials and New York City Housing representatives in the Cypress Hills neighborhood of East New York, Brooklyn on December 11 to break ground on the Cypress Hills Senior Houses, a 54-unit affordable housing development funded by HUD's Section 202 program. The Section 202 Housing program has been developing affordable senior housing across the country since 1959. Before HUD was created in 1965, this visionary tool recognized the need to finance decent housing so that seniors could age with dignity, and it has been a resounding success. Indeed in New York City alone, the 202 program has created an estimated 25,000 units of senior housing, many with supportive services that dramatically improve resident quality of life.

Cypress Hills Senior Housing will be environmentally friendly, affordable senior housing development for people 62 and older. The development will feature a number of energy-efficient systems and accessories including energy-efficient boilers, extra thermal insulation in walls and roof to ensure a tight building envelope, and Energy Star light fixtures and appliances in all apartments. The building is expected to achieve a LEED for Homes Silver certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. The building is designed to be aesthetically pleasing and to meet the specific lifestyle and service needs of its senior residents. It will include reception and security, a laundry room, community rooms, a computer room, landscaped outdoor space, and 9 parking spaces.

[Photo 2: HUD Regional Administrator Holly Leicht breaks ground with partners at the Cypress Hills Senior Housing Development]
HUD Regional Administrator Holly Leicht breaks ground with partners at the Cypress Hills Senior Housing Development

The project in Cypress Hills is representative of the amazing results the 202 program has had throughout New York and across the country. Yet since 2011 this program has not received funding during the appropriations process, and as a result the Cypress Hills Senior Housing development may be the final 202-funded construction within New York City. As the senior population grows and affordable housing continues to be in short supply, we cannot afford to jettison a tried-and-true program that provides housing for such an important population. Learn more about HUD's 202 program and the amazing housing it has built across the country.


Content Archived: February 1, 2017