HUD Joins Federal Resource Fair at New York Public Library
Representatives from HUD's New York Office joined staff from 24 federal partners at the New York Public Library's Science, Industry, and Business Library for a Federal Resource Fair on May 22, 2017. The Fair was open to the general public, and gave hundreds of New Yorkers the chance to learn about the programs, policies, and funding from federal agencies that have a profound impact on their day-to-day lives. HUD staff focused their presentation on federal housing assistance, homeownership, and the Section 3 program, which provides opportunities for low-income residents to secure employment through federally funded projects. They also referred questioners and participants to visit a HUD-approved Housing Counseling agency for more information and details. To learn more about these issues, visit www.hud.gov/newyork/renting, www.hud.gov/newyork/homeownership, www.hud.gov/counseling, and www.hud.gov/section3.
Management Analysts Henry Comas and Earleene Sealy discuss housing with a visitor at a table of HUD resources during the New York Public Library Federal Resource Fair |
Earleene Sealy presents at an information session on federal housing issues |