HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 06-03
Marie Shattuck
(716) 551-5733
For Release
July 1, 2003


ROCHESTER, NY - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's new Section 8 Homeownership Program, the Rochester Housing Authority and Providence Housing are celebrating a true success story. HUD Buffalo Office Director, Stephen T. Banko, III joined Rochester Housing Authority Executive Director Thomas McHugh, Lisa Alcott, Homeownership Director for Providence Housing and other Rochester officials to congratulate Rochester's newest homeowner, Catherine Thrasher.

The U.S. Department of HUD's Section 8 Homeownership Program paves the way for recipients of Section 8 Rental Assistance to use their rental voucher towards the purchase of a home rather than lease a unit. The program
provides the opportunity to attend housing counseling sessions and secure the necessary financing to purchase
their first home. "Often we think in terms of building homes when in fact, we are in the business of building lives by giving a qualified recipient a chance at her share of the American Dream. We help build better cities through the
pride of ownership." said Stephen T. Banko, Director of HUD Buffalo.

Catherine Thrasher has always hoped that one day she would own her own home with a garden. Catherine first
began receiving Section 8 rental assistance in 1992. She contacted the Rochester Housing Authority's Family Investment Center in July 1999 and enrolled in RHA's Family Self Sufficiency Program in October 1999. The Family
Self Sufficiency contract of Family Participation established her goals of maintaining employment, obtaining a GED, getting off public assistance, securing adequate health insurance coverage for her and her son and homeownership. As a result of Catherine's hard work, she was able to complete the necessary homeownership counseling with Providence Housing and was able to secure the necessary financing to purchase a home which closed on June 21st.

The Rochester Housing Authority has partnered with Providence Housing and was able to take advantage of the mortgaging and counseling expertise already in place.

The staffs of the Rochester Housing Authority, Providence Housing and the U.S. Department of HUD are excited for Catherine and her son and look forward to many more success stories to come.


Content Archived: July 11, 2011