HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 03-094
Adam Glantz
(212) 264-1100
For Release
October 2, 2003

City of Syracuse to receive over $3 Million

WASHINGTON - Thousands of children and families in 27 states and the District of Columbia will live in healthier
homes due to more than $147 million in grants announced today by Housing and Urban Development Secretary Mel Martinez. Martinez made today's record funding announcement to officially launch National Healthy Homes Month during October.

The grants will help 70 local programs around the country to remove potentially dangerous lead from lower income homes; to stimulate private sector investment in lead hazard control; to educate the public about the dangers of lead-based paint; to fund model programs promoting healthier and safer home environments; and, to support
scientific research into innovative methods of identifying and eliminating health hazards in housing (see attached

"Whether it's eliminating lead hazards in housing or studying new ways to make our homes healthier, the funds we announce today are all designed to protect our most precious resource - our children," said Martinez. "Today we continue HUD's investment in making our homes a healthier and safer place for parents to raise their kids."

Lead Hazard Control Grant Programs

The funding announced today includes $124 million to eliminate dangerous lead paint hazards in thousands of
privately owned, low-income housing units. These funds are provided through HUD's Lead-Based Paint Hazard
and the Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration grant programs

In addition, HUD's Operation LEAP (Lead Elimination Action Program) will provide $9.9 million to stimulate private sector contributions that will enable children to grow up in homes that are free from lead-based paint hazards. HUD will also award $2.4 million in Lead Outreach grants to support public education campaigns on the hazards of lead-based paint and what parents, building owners and others can do to protect children. Further, $2.8 million will
assist local research institutions to study ways to drive down the cost and increase the effectiveness of lead
hazard identification and control.

HUD's lead hazard control program is working. Today, the Department estimates that 26 million fewer homes have lead-based paint compared to 1990 when the program began. Last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the average amount of lead in children's blood has declined by 50 percent from a decade ago. Ten years ago, there was no federal funding for local lead hazard control work in privately owned housing;
today, the HUD program is active in over 250 communities across the country.

Healthy Homes Initiative

HUD's Healthy Homes Initiative builds upon the Department's existing activities in housing-related health and safety issues - including lead hazard control, building structural safety, electrical safety, and fire protection - to address multiple childhood diseases and injuries in the home. The Initiative takes a holistic approach to these activities by addressing housing-related hazards in a coordinated fashion, rather than addressing a single hazard at a time.

Included in the funding announced today is more than $5.9 million in demonstration grants to help local communities identify and eliminate housing conditions that contribute to children's disease and injury, such as asthma, lead poisoning, mold exposure, and carbon monoxide contamination. HUD is also providing more than $2 million in
technical studies grants to support scientific research into innovative methods of identifying and eliminating health hazards in housing.

The following is a breakdown of the nationwide funding announced today:

Lead Hazard Control
Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration
Operation LEAP
Lead Outreach
Healthy Homes Demonstration
Healthy Homes Technical Studies
Lead Technical Studies

Below is a description of the City of Syracuse's awards:

FY 2003 Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant
City of Syracuse, New York

The City of Syracuse will be awarded $2,600,000 to complement their ongoing efforts in eliminating or controlling
lead-based paint hazards in the city. The Syracuse Department of community Development will also partner with
the Onondaga County Health Department and community-based organizations in implementing this program. The
goals for the lead hazard reduction grant program will be to provide additional lead-safe housing in low to very low income target areas, decreasing the number of children with elevated blood lead levels, improving the living environment for families, and continuing lead education to at-risk families. Approximately 350 pre-1940 rental
housing units will be targeted for lead hazard control work.

FY 2003 Healthy Homes Demonstration Grant
NY Indoor Environmental Quality Center, Inc.
City of Syracuse, New York

The NY Indoor Environmental Quality Center, Inc., in collaboration with the State University of New York (SUNY) Upstate Medical University, SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry, Cornell University, Carrier
Corporation, OP-TECH Environmental Service, C&S Engineers, New York State Energy and Research & Development Authority, Central NY Chapter of the American Lung Association, Onondaga County Health Department, Rosenthal & Chadwick, Metropolitan Development Association, InterReligious Council, Southwest Community Center and Girls,
Inc., will be awarded $850,000 to perform 120 healthy homes assessments in the homes of asthmatic children. The objective of the project is to correlate clinically significant improvements in respiratory health with the intervention. Intervention strategies include steam cleaning, installing air filtration devices and providing impermeable mattress covers for bedding, as well as Integrated Pest Management services. The project team will train residents in good cleaning practices and other interventions, such as reducing Environmental Tobacco Smoke.

HUD is the nation's housing agency committed to increasing homeownership, particularly among minorities, creating affordable housing opportunities for low-income Americans, supporting the homeless, elderly, people with disabilities and people living with AIDS. The Department also promotes economic and community development as well as
enforces the nation's fair housing laws. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet.


Content Archived: July 11, 2011