HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 13-10
Adam Glantz (212) 264-1100
Olga Alvarez (212) 542-7142

For Release
May 23, 2013

$98.3 million awarded nationwide to make low-income housing safer and healthier

NEW YORK - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today awarded Orange County $2.5 million to protect children and families from the hazards of lead-based paint and from other home health and safety hazards.

The awards are a part of $98.3 million in funds awarded to 38 projects across the country to clean up lead paint hazards and other health hazards in 6,373 high-risk homes, train workers in lead-safe work practices, and increase public awareness about childhood lead poisoning. Lead is a known toxin that can impair children's development and have effects lasting into adulthood.

Orange County was awarded $2,300,000 in Lead Based Hazard Control grant program funding and an additional $200,000 in Healthy Homes Initiative funding to address lead hazards in 140 housing units, thus providing safer homes for low- and very low-income families with children. Orange County will collaborate with the Builders Association, Orange County Dept. of Planning, Catholic Charities, Orange County Dept. of Social Services, Child Care Council, Orange Regional Medical Center, the Greater Hudson Valley Family Health Center, Middletown Community Health Ctr., City of Middletown CD Agency, City of Newburgh CD Agency, City of Port Jervis CD Agency, Pathstone, Orange County Landlords Assoc., Orange County Office of IT, Port Jervis Housing Authority, Bon Secours Community Hospital, HRHCare, St. Luke's Cornwall Hospital, and RECAP. For additional information, please contact Mrs. Joanna Fazzino, (845) 615-3818,

"Childhood lead poisoning is completely preventable and that's exactly what these funds are designed to do," said HUD Deputy Secretary Maurice Jones. "The communities receiving these grants are helping their children grow up brighter, safer and healthier."

"Providing healthy and safe homes for families and children is a top priority for HUD," said Mirza Orriols, Acting Regional Administrator. "HUD is committed to protecting Orange County chil-dren from the hazards that can be caused by deteriorated lead paint, and mold that follows moisture intruding into the home."

These grant programs of HUD's Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control promote local efforts to eliminate dangerous lead hazards from lower income homes; stimulate private sector investment in lead hazard control; and educate the public about the dangers of lead-based paint.

Lead Hazard Control Grant Programs

Even though lead-based paint was banned for residential use in 1978, HUD estimates that ap-proximately 24 million homes still have significant lead-based paint hazards today. Lead-contaminated dust is the primary cause of lead exposure and can lead to a variety of health problems in young children, including reduced IQ, learning disabilities, developmental delays, reduced height, and impaired hearing. At higher levels, lead can damage a child's kidneys and central nervous system and cause anemia, coma, convulsions and even death.

The funding announced today directs critical funds to cities, counties and states to eliminate dangerous lead paint hazards in thousands of privately-owned, low-income housing units. These funds are provided through HUD's Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control and Lead Hazard Reduction Demon-stration grant programs. To expand the reach of HUD's Lead Hazard Control Program. HUD is also providing over $4.4 million to help communities transform their lead hazard control programs to ad-dress multiple housing-related hazards.


HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for quality affordable rental homes: utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life; build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination; and transform the way HUD does business. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet at and You can also follow HUD on Twitter at @HUDnews or on Facebook at, or sign up for news alerts on HUD's News Listserv.


Content Archived: August 26, 2014