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HUD No. 19-152
Marta Juaniza - (312) 913-8090
Gina Rodriguez - (571) 249-8586
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For Release
January 9, 2020

Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority and City of Cincinnati selected to serve as a hub to help HUD-assisted households become self-sufficient

CINCINNATI, Ohio - U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Midwest Regional Administrator Joseph P. Galvan designated Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority's Findlater Resource Opportunities Center, 595 Strand Lane, and the Winton Terrace Resource Opportunities Center, 4848 Winneste Ave., as EnVision Centers as part of Secretary Ben Carson's signature EnVision Center initiative today. Following a highly competitive selection process, the Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority and City of Cincinnati are the newest of 34 communities across the country with an 'EnVision Center' designation.

EnVision Centers offer HUD-assisted families access to support services that can help them achieve self-sufficiency, thereby making scarce federal resources more readily available to a greater number of households currently waiting to receive HUD assistance. Read more about HUD's EnVision Center Demonstration.

"Housing assistance should be more than just putting a roof over someone's head," said Secretary Carson. "These EnVision Centers offer a more holistic housing approach by connecting HUD-assisted families with the tools they need to become self-sufficient and to flourish."

"If we succeed in helping more families become self-sufficient, more families will be able to access the housing assistance they so desperately need," said HUD Regional Administrator Joseph P. Galvan. "EnVision Centers are our way of bringing hope and opportunity; they serve as a springboard to success for thousands of families across the nation."

"Promoting self-sufficiency, expanding affordable housing opportunities and developing partnerships are key components of the Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority's Mission. Receiving the EnVision Center designation for the Resource Opportunities Center (ROC) locations is national confirmation that the agency is providing residents with the tools needed to increase self-sufficiency and knock down barriers," said Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority Chief Executive Officer Gregory D. Johnson.

Located on or near public housing developments, EnVision Centers are centralized hubs that serve as an incubator to support four key pillars of opportunity— (1) economic empowerment, (2) educational advancement, (3) health and wellness, and (4) character and leadership.

Through results-driven partnerships with organizations such as federal agencies, state and local governments, non-profits, faith-based organizations, corporations, public housing authorities, and housing finance agencies, EnVision Centers will leverage public-private partnerships to connect HUD-assisted households with services that offer pathways to self-sufficiency.

Each demonstration community receiving the EnVision Center designation will convene with their local stakeholders and resident councils to assist in the selection of services to be offered at the Center, as a means of ensuring that many voices are heard and the needs identified are addressed. HUD will develop tools to track and measure resident outcomes of EnVision Center participants and services - the goal of which is to ensure the EnVision Centers are able to achieve and monitor progress against the goals of the program.

To learn more about Secretary Carson's EnVision Center demonstration, please visit


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Content Archived: January 26, 2022