Homeownership for Native Americans

Native Americans throughout the nation will gather at the Red Earth Festival in Oklahoma City on June 3-5. The festival is attended annually by more than 35,000.

The Southern Plains Office of Native American Programs will host an information booth at the festival at the Oklahoma City Fair Grounds Arena. Other housing providers will also be on hand.

HUD and Congress recognized the importance of creating homeownership opportunities for Native Americans and created the Section 184 Indian Housing Loan Guarantee Program in 1992. The program has grown throughout the years. In the program's first three years, there were 132 loans guaranteed. Through education and marketing, the program has grown to over 130 loans in just the first seven months of Fiscal Year 2005. That is 130 Native American families who have achieved the American dream of homeownership.

We are continuing our vigilant effort to bring homeownership opportunities to the Native American people by educating, informing and promoting the Section 184 Indian Housing Loan Guarantee Program.

We look forward to seeing you at the festival. You can find more information on the Red Earth Festival Website (http://www.redearth.org/v2/).

Content Archived: July 21, 2011