HUD Archives: News Releases

Lee Jones
(206) 220-5356 (work) or
(804) 363-7018
For Release
January 21, 2010

Among $26.3 million awarded 98 local agencies under HUD Fair Housing Initiatives Program

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development today awarded a total of $375,000 to the Fair Housing Council of Oregon and Legal Aid Services of Oregon to assist people who believe they have been victims of housing discrimination.

The Fair Housing Council of Oregon won a $275,000 private enforcement initiative grant while Legal Aid Services of Oregon won a $100,000 education and outreach initiative grant.

The $26.3 million in grants announced today to 98 fair housing groups in 37 states and the District of Columbia were awarded through HUD's Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP) and will be used to investigate allegations of housing discrimination, educate the public and the housing industry about their rights and responsibilities under the Fair Housing Act, and work to promote equal housing opportunities.

"In 2010, the fight for fair housing across America continues. The organizations we are funding are respected and trusted groups that emerged from a very competitive process," stated John Trasviña, HUD’s Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing Equal Opportunity. "They will help HUD enforce the law and educate the public about their rights and responsibilities under the law."

The categories grants were awarded in are:

  • Private Enforcement Initiative grants (PEI) - HUD awarded $21.1 million to help groups investigate alleged
    housing discrimination, and enforce the Fair Housing Act and state and local laws that are substantially
    equivalent to the Act.

  • Education and Outreach Initiative grants (EOI) - HUD awarded $3.1 million to groups that educate the
    public and housing providers about their rights and obligations under federal, state, and local fair housing

  • Fair Housing Organizations Initiative (FHOI) - HUD awarded $2.1 million to groups that serve rural and
    immigrant populations in areas where there currently is no existing fair housing organization, or are otherwise

The awards include $3 million to eight groups to conduct enforcement and education and outreach activities that
will address lending discrimination.

A list of all grant recipients is listed at

FHEO and its partners in the Fair Housing Assistance Program investigate approximately 10,000 housing discrimination complaints annually. People who believe they are the victims of housing discrimination should contact HUD at (800) 669-9777 (voice), (800) 927-9275 (TTY). Additional information is available online. Stay on top of the most up-to-date news regarding the Fair Housing Act by signing up for the FHEO RSS Feed.


Content Archived: March 22, 2012