"Dads Day Resource Fair" Fatherhood Initiative Advances

Steelers Defensive Back #29 Ryan Mundy (lf), stands with Mike Wilson Sr. as Mike Wilson Jr. gets a haircut from Mr. Alford.

Roderick Campbell celebrates fatherhood with his son Rashod

Melvin Harris celebrates Father's Day with grandfather Tony Eaves

On Friday June 17th, 2011, the Housing Authority City of Pittsburgh (HACP) offered targeted outreach to fathers, grandfathers, and the children who love them, via a special Father's Day celebration. While lively music provided the backdrop to this event, planned activities propelled attendees to move forward amongst various resource booths.

Father and son haircuts were offered as were father and child photographs. Prospective employers were also on hand with job applications for current job openings at Omni Hotel and the city of Pittsburgh for those eager for employment. Medical screenings were offered by various health care providers and HUD staff distributed Healthy Homes literature.

In a festive turn of events, Steelers Defensive Back, Ryan Mundy (#29) spoke candidly to the attentive crowd about his own relationship with his father. Ryan emphasized that as a youngster, his father didn't focus only on developing his son's athletic prowess, but offered daily lessons on how to be a better person, how to value the really important things in life�how to always do the right thing.

A. Fulton Meachem, Executive Director of HACP, applauded the efforts of fathers, grandfathers and father figures in their efforts to provide wholesome role models for all of the children in their lives.

The "Dads Day Resource Fair"ended on a very happy note for Mike Wilson Jr. and Mike Wilson Sr. as they won the father and son raffle basket chock-full of Pirates tickets, "spending money" and everything needed to enjoy a family night out at the ball park.

Content Archived: January 23, 2013