Grant Writing Myths Dispelled

Photo of Congressman Critz at podium
Congressman Critz addresses Capacity Building Class in Johnstown, PA
Certain myths about grant writing were discredited as HUD taught members of local government, nonprofits and private industry how to build organizational capacity and write grants.

In Johnstown, PA on August 16 and 17, 2011 and Waynesburg, PA on August 23 and 24, 2011, consumers were eager to learn about capacity building strategies that centered on organizational development and strategic planning. HUD staff joined forces with Congressman Critz to present two-day capacity building workshops at both Pitt Johnstown and Waynesburg University.

When asked what they learned about grant writing, many attendees explained how grants were not the "free money" that they once imagined. Further, there are many rules, must-do's and steps such as "matching" that HUD's Cindy Haines educated attendees about.

Workshop participants also learned about financial management techniques as well as outcome based evaluations. Small group exercises as well as formal presentations were part of the classroom experience. Cynthia Haines invited local foundation staff and local government leaders to address the eager audience.

To learn more about the workshops, email

Photo of Cindy Haines teaching class full of students.
HUD employee Cindy Haines teaches grant writing techniques in Waynesburg, PA.


Content Archived: January 24, 2013