Everyone Counts!
HUD Employees Assist With Point In Time Survey

On Wednesday, January 25, 2012, HUD Pittsburgh Field Office volunteer staff worked with Operational Safety Net (OSN), a member organization of the Allegheny County Continuum of Care, to complete the annual Point in Time Survey to count the street homeless. The annual count occurred in two separate, yet connected, venues: the Severe Weather Shelter stationed in the basement of a local church in downtown Pittsburgh and in the surrounding streets via an urban outreach team.

In hundreds of towns, communities and neighborhoods across the nation, homeless funding and services are calculated on the results of the annual homeless count. HUD volunteers took to their assigned tasks quite seriously as they met homeless men and women coming into the shelter for warmth, food, clothing and medical attention. Taking a few moments with each individual to complete the survey proved to be an uplifting and humbling experience.

The generosity of spirit of OSN staff and other regular and devoted volunteers was notable. The homeless count-everyone counts! Learn more about OSN and homeless street outreach.

[Photo 1: Group of volunteers]
Linda Sheets, OSN Program Director, reviews surveys with HUD staff volunteers Phoebe Buchannan, Marva Tolbert and Jane Miller.
[Photo 2: Group of volunteers]
HUD Pittsburgh Field Office volunteers and ONS paramedic (counterclockwise): Marva Tolbert, Phoebe Buchannan, Daniel Behrend, Rose Jacobson, Owen (ONS paramedic) and Pittsburgh Field Office Director Jane Miller. Not pictured, but a team member and serving as photographer is Cindy Haines.


Content Archived: February 14, 2014