ACTION-Housing's Project Goes Green

On March 3, 2012, ACTION-Housing, Inc. unveiled the Pittsburgh Green House, located at 308 North Sheridan Avenue in East Liberty, as part of its newest sustainability initiative. The 110-year old renovated dwelling is now a weatherization training and educational facility where contractors and the general public can learn how to make their homes healthier and more energy efficient. Visitors are encouraged to tour the home and participate in interactive educational displays as well as browse the green resource library for information on contractors, retrofit financing and do-it-yourself projects.

[Photo 1: Lindsay Ruprecht]
Lindsay Ruprecht describes energy star appliances and equipment in a model demonstration kitchen.
Photo 2: Lindsay Ruprecht] Lindsay Ruprecht, Sustainable Community Development Coordinator and Administrator for Pittsburgh Green House, welcomes visitors.

After weatherizing over 39,000 low-income households since 1982, ACTION-Housing extended its reach by opening the Pittsburgh Green House to showcase good, practical methods of improving the environmental and financial sustainability of existing homes. For more information and to view the schedule of free community classes, visit or call (412) 362-4744.


Content Archived: February 14, 2014