Capacity Building Workshop Plants Seeds of Success for Grant Writing Endeavors

[Photo: Sarah Kinter and Dr. Angela Reynolds compare notes]
Sarah Kinter, City of Pittsburgh Commission on Human Relations Representative (left), compares research notes with community partner, Dr. Angela Reynolds, University of Pittsburgh Center for Metropolitan Studies

Writing a grant that gets funded is always an accomplishment; getting a research grant funded on housing ex-offenders can be even more challenging. Thanks, in part, to attending a HUD Faith-based Community and Neighborhood Program capacity building workshop, the Pittsburgh Commission on Human Relations and their partner, University of Pittsburgh Center for Metropolitan Studies, were recently awarded a $65,000 HUD grant to examine barriers to housing for previously convicted persons.

The Pittsburgh Commission on Human Relations knows that access to decent, affordable housing in communities of choice remains an important housing policy issue. The research will further assist the Commission on Human Relations in meeting the challenges of Pittsburgh residents in acquiring equal access to housing in neighborhoods of choice. The study is expected to be completed by summer, 2013. For further information, contact

"For certain households, this access can be further constrained by policies and practices that restrict housing availability. Ex-offenders face numerous barriers to reentry to society. Barriers to employment and housing opportunities further limit opportunities for self-sufficiency. To the extent that ex-offenders have restricted access to communities of opportunity, the risk of recidivism increases. Although the academic literature documents the link between neighborhood outcomes and recidivism, little is known about the process and policy barriers that ex-offenders encounter in the Pittsburgh region when securing housing. With this grant, further research can be directed to determine the extent to which protected class status (such as race, gender and familial status) intersects with criminal background to result in differential treatment in the housing market (Reynolds & Kinter, 2012)."

[Citation: Reynolds, Angela & Kinter, Sarah. (April, 2012) "Scope of Work." HUD Grant Submission.]


Content Archived: February 14, 2014