HUD Archives: News Releases

Maria Bynum
(215) 656-0603
For Release
January 18, 2006


NORRISTOWN - Housing and Urban Development Regional Director Guy L. Ciarrocchi and U.S. Congressman Jim
Gerlach today announced more than $2 million to support 10 local homeless providers throughout Montgomery
County. These monies are expected to provide critically needed assistance to persons and families living without a home of their own.

"HUD is pleased to award these funds to these deserving organizations who have shown not only a commitment to helping those in need, but a solid plan to improve their lives," said Ciarrocchi. "This Administration continues to work with local faith-based and community organizations to strengthen local communities and help our most vulnerable neighbors."

"I'm happy to be here today announcing the return of federal dollars to our community," said Gerlach. "The organizations receiving this money provide vital services for our region and are important contributors to the overall well-being and quality of life of the area."

HUD's funding is provided in two ways:

  • HUD's Continuum of Care programs provide permanent and transitional housing to homeless persons. In
    addition, Continuum grants fund important services including job training, health care, mental health
    counseling, substance abuse treatment and child care. Montgomery County received $1,866,613.00 in
    Continuum of Care grants.

  • Emergency Shelter Grants convert buildings into homeless shelters, assist in the operation of local shelters
    and fund related social service and homeless prevention programs. Montgomery County received $163,544.00
    in Emergency Shelter Grants.

More than $63 million in grants are awarded to Pennsylvania programs to meet the needs of the homeless.

"The Salvation Army in Norristown and Pottstown want to thank HUD for the opportunity to serve people in our
county through our Permanent and Transitional Housing Programs," said Salvation Army Major Stoneburner. "These programs have proven to be successful in part due to our partnerships with many other agencies in the county. Our programs serve as another valuable step in The Salvation Army's continuum of care starting with providing basic needs of food, clothing and shelter and then working toward long term self-sufficiency by providing resources like
long term housing, educational assistance and essential life skills."

The Montgomery County Housing Coalition/Homeless Continuum of Care is a model partnership between nonprofit providers of housing and services and County agencies.

"It takes all of us to adequately address and end homelessness," said Montgomery County Housing Coalition
President Karen Kispert. "In the midst of our beautiful County too many children, women, and men struggle to meet basic human needs. We are grateful for HUD's support of our efforts to serve these most vulnerable of our community."

The Goal to End Chronic Homelessness

For nearly five years, HUD has increasingly emphasized the Bush Administration's goal of ending chronic homelessness in its assistance programs. HUD is the nation's housing agency committed to increasing homeownership, particularly among minorities; creating affordable housing opportunities for low-income Americans; and supporting the homeless, elderly, people with disabilities and people living with AIDS. The Department also promotes economic and community development as well as enforces the nation's fair housing laws. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet and


Content Archived: March 15, 2011