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Summer Job Tour for Puerto Rico Public Housing Teens
As part of the White House Youth Summer Opportunity Initiative, a group of nearly 50 teens from various housing projects around Puerto Rico toured the offices of the Puerto Rico Public Housing Administration on June 20th. Guided by Services Director Ramón Calzada and his team, the teens visited each program area while the employees described their duties, what types of tools or special resources they need to get the job done, and the academic preparation required for the different jobs. The youth showed genuine interest in learning about the different aspects of the operation, many times unaware of all the different services and behind-the-scenes work that go into providing safe and decent housing in the island's 230 public housing projects. This unique opportunity afforded the teens a glimpse into the professional world and gave them concrete examples of what it takes to excel in public service. After visiting the employees, touring the building, program areas, and hearing words of encouragement from HUD's Field Policy and Management analyst Sasha Dávila, the students gathered in the Administrator's Office to learn about the latest initiatives. The most interesting for them were the Digital Community Libraries and CRECEMOS ("we grow together"), which provide support services from the time a child is in the womb all the way to college. Young expectant mothers receive parenting classes and, once the child is born, it supports the academic and social wellbeing of the children. Services include tutoring, afterschool activities, developmental therapies, and even College Board reviews. The day ended with a delicious lunch and a workshop with motivational speaker Dr. Marta Michelle Colón, a psychologist who guided the participants in an exercise of self-discovery as to what profession they might be interested in pursuing. ### |
Content Archived: January 9, 2018 | |||