HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 03-0118
Joseph J. Phillips
(678) 732-2943
For Release
March 1, 2018


COLUMBIA - U.S. Housing and Urban Development Southeast Regional Administrator Denise Cleveland-Leggett, announced the selection of Kristine Foye, to serve as HUD Field Office Director for the South Carolina on March 1, 2018.

[Kristine Foye]
Kristine Foye

As the South Carolina Field Office Director, Foye will serve as HUD's liaison to mayors, city managers, county commissioners, elected representatives, state and local officials, congressional delegations, nonprofit groups, private entities, faith based groups, other stakeholders and individual Americans. She will be responsible for overseeing the delivery of HUD programs and services to communities and individuals, as well as, evaluating their efficiency and effectiveness.

"Kristine brings a unique blend of senior level public leadership and HUD cross programmatic experience to South Carolina," said Cleveland-Leggett. "She will enhance and accelerate the ongoing efforts and progress being made throughout the communities of South Carolina."

"We have a great team of partners and HUD staff in South Carolina that I am proud to work with," said Foye. "Together we will build on the strong legacy of fulfilling HUD's mission and serving those throughout South Carolina."

Prior to serving as the South Carolina Field Office Director she served as the HUD Region I Deputy Regional Administrator since October 2008. While there Foye represented HUD in the six states of New England and worked collaboratively with mayors, state and local officials, members of Congress, private and non-profit developers, public housing authorities and other stakeholders.

Kristine joined HUD in 2002 as the Region I Public Affairs Officer and prior to joining HUD, she worked for the US Department of Veterans Affairs, and for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the Department of Economic Development.

Kristine is a graduate of Suffolk University in Boston with a degree in communications.


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Content Archived: January 9, 2020