Opportunities and Challenges: Regional Administrator Rick Garcia Meets with Sioux Falls Diversity Council

[Photo: Group posing with curtains and brick wall in background]
Left to Right, Alex Ramirez, Stephanie Bolman-Altamirano, Moses Tut, Juan Bonilla, Carlos Cobos, Regional Administrator Rick Garcia, Sioux Falls Field Office Director Roger Jacobs, Daniel Obaka.

On April 23, 2014, Region VIII Regional Administrator (RA) Rick Garcia met with the Sioux Falls Diversity Council to discuss opportunities and challenges within the diverse communities of Sioux Falls. RA Garcia highlighted the City of Sioux Falls' newly created Fair Housing Awareness Program (www.siouxfalls.org/fairhousing).

During the recent press conference announcing the program, RA Garcia said "ensuring that housing is available to all without discrimination has benefits for the city as a whole." He further stated that when people have housing choices and a stable housing environment, they are more prepared to meet challenges, and children do better in school. The program will take Fair Housing education "on the road" to those who need the resources most, in an attempt to reach as many individuals as possible.

He also discussed the Section 3 Program and the opportunities the program will bring to individuals and businesses in the diverse communities of Sioux Falls. The Section 3 Program requires that low income persons and businesses that employ those persons receive priority consideration for job training, employment, and contracting opportunities that are created from certain HUD funds.

Fair Housing Awareness Program (www.siouxfalls.org/fairhousing) educational campaign.


Content Archived: February 22, 2016