Lubbock Celebrates Hunger Awareness Day

Can nine million hungry kids inspire a nation? That was the theme for the annual National Hunger Awareness Day sponsored by America's Second Harvest. In communities across the country, people gathered to focus on the severe but solvable problem of domestic hunger and its impact on the nation's children.

�Hunger Fair�, the celebration in Lubbock, Texas, was sponsored by the South Plains Food Bank and hosted by Broadway Church of Christ. Local media served about 300 hotdogs with all the trimmings, donated by Albertsons. HUD staff was on hand with advice about buying a home and home maintenance. Other agencies provided information to people in need about community social services. Read more about America's Second Harvest ( and learn how you can help fight hunger.

[Photo 1:  Photo of people in line] [Photo 2:  Photo of people eating]


Content Archived: July 22, 2011