Grant Writing Training Gets High Ratings

[Photo: Trainer Margaret Rafferty addresses a question to panel members]
Trainer Margaret Rafferty addresses a question to panel members (left to right) Naomi Hatch, Sherry Paige, Anita Rios Moore and Elaine Collins.

The Burlington Field Office recently conducted a free grant writing training session for faith-based and community organizations at the University of Vermont in Burlington. The session was part of a second round of training held across the country. Over 8,000 persons received training during the first round.

Representatives from religious and community organizations, local and state government, private individuals and housing authorities attended. Training was provided to help level the playing field for faith-based and community groups to have a better chance of obtaining federal funds to help carry out their crucial missions.

HUD trainer Margaret Rafferty of the Buffalo Field Office was joined by guest speakers Elaine Collins of the U.S. Department of Labor; and Naomi Hatch, Sherry Paige and Anita Rios Moore of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Other HUD representatives included Ray Jordan, Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Liaison; and Richard Hatin, Manchester, NH's Community Planning and Development Director.

Training included organizational development, legal do's and don'ts, grant writing and the review of a successful HUD grant application. Department of Agriculture representatives presented information on the agency's Community Facilities, Small Business and Homeownership Programs. The Department of Labor representative presented information on employment and training grants.

Attendees rated the session as highly successful and were pleased to be given the opportunity to network and make valuable business connections.


Content Archived: March 21, 2011