Computers Are Not Just for Kids

Photo 1: Barbara Rice and her dog
Photo 2: photo of desks and computers
Can you be too old to go back to school? If you think so, you might want to chat with Barbara Rice. Barbara is a 71-year-old student at Spokane Falls Community College and a resident at Grace Court Apartments, an elderly apartment complex in Spokane, Washington. Laura Cole, Neighborhood Networks Coordinator, recently had the pleasure of meeting her during a visit to the Neighborhood Network Center at Grace Court. Barbara shared her story about how the Neighborhood Network Center plays an important role in her life. Please read Barbara's story below.

Dear Laura,

After meeting you at Grace Court I would like you to know how the computer lab at our complex helped me. I am 71 years old and after my husband passed away I moved to Grace Court Apartments in Spokane WA. I decided I did not want to just sit in my home and do nothing, so I decided to go back to college. Last fall I enrolled at Spokane Community College to try to get my AA degree in Liberal Arts. Having the computer lab in our apartment complex helped me with my out of class assignments. The coordinators and volunteers here were helpful in making sure I could do and find everything I needed to do my essays and research. It was a godsend. Thanks so much.

Barbara Rice

Barbara is living her dream of getting her degree. Since this was written, Barbara has moved to another HUD subsidized apartment building in Richland, WA. She will be continuing her education at the Community College in Richland.

If you are a resident at a complex that has a Neighborhood Networks Center, participate in Center events, and make as much use of the Center as you can. If your complex doesn't have a Neighborhood Networks Center, talk to the owner or manager about getting a Center established, to help make more dreams come true.

Content Archived: August 16, 2011