HUD Archives: News Releases

Lee Jones
(206) 220-5356 (work)
(804) 363-7018 (cell)
For Release
July 12, 2010

New Projects Funded in Anchorage, Nampa, Omak, Renton, Spokane, The Dalles & Vancouver

SEATTLE - Senior citizens and persons with disabilities in the Northwest will soon be able to find additional
affordable housing, thanks to $27,701,300 in housing assistance competitively awarded to non-profit groups by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The funds are provided under HUDs Section 202, Supportive Housing for the Elderly, and Section 811, Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities, programs to provide interest-free capital advances to produce accessible housing, offer rental assistance, and provide supportive services for the elderly and persons with disabilities.

Todays awards in the Northwest, part of more than $550 million in Section 202 and 811 grants announced today,
will create an additional 179 units of affordable housing in Anchorage, Nampa, Omak, Renton, Spokane, The Dalles
and Vancouver (see project summaries below).

"The Obama Administration is committed to making sure our senior citizens and persons with disabilities have opportunities to live in decent, affordable homes," said HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan. "Neither of these groups
should ever have to worry about being able to find a safe place to live."

"Thanks to these funds and to the hard work of our partners, well be able to provide much-need affordable housing resources for the elderly and people with disabilities across the region," said HUD Northwest Regional Administrator Mary McBride.

Todays announcement included awards to the following Northwest organizations:

FY 2009 HUD 202/811 Winners in the Northwest
Project Type State Organization
Project Location
Grant Amount Units
811 People w/Disabilities Alaska Anchorage Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc
$2,291,100 10
202 Elderly Alaska Anchorage Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc
$4,775,100 20
202 Elderly Idaho Mercy Housing Idaho Inc.
$4,727,300 42
202 Elderly Oregon Columbia Cascade Housing Corporation
The Dalles
$1,763,100 13
811 People w/ Disabilities Washington Columbia Nonprofit Housing
$1,925,500 14
811 People w/ Disabilities Washington Spokane Mental Health Coordinating Association
$1,894,400 15
202 Elderly Washington Providence Health Services
$9,065,200 55
202 Elderly Washington Okanogan County Community Action Council
$1,259,600 10
NORTHWEST TOTAL $27,701,300 179

Section 202 Capital Advance - HUDs Section 202 Capital Advance Program expands the supply of affordable
housing with supportive services for the elderly. It provides very low-income elderly persons 62 years of age or
older with the opportunity to live independently in an environment that provides support services to frail elderly resident.

In addition to funding the construction, acquisition, and rehabilitation of multifamily developments, HUDs Section
202 program also provides Project Rental Assistance Contract (PRAC) funds to subsidize the rents so that residents only pay 30 percent of their adjusted incomes.

To be eligible for the assistance a household must be classified as very low-income, which means an income less
than 50 percent of the area median. Nationally, based on 50 percent of the national median family income with an applicable adjustment for household size, a one-person household would need to have an income equal to or less
than $22,400 a year.

Section 811 Capital Advance - This housing, most of which will be newly constructed, typically is small apartment buildings, group homes for three to four people, or condominium units. Residents will pay 30 percent of their
adjusted income for rent and the federal government will pay the rest.

Capital advance funds are awarded under HUDs Section 811 program, providing housing for households with one or more very low-income individuals with a disability. Under this program at least one person must be 18 years or older and have a physical or developmental disability or chronic mental illness. The term person with disabilities also
includes two or more people with disabilities living together, and one or more persons with disabilities living with one
or more live-in attendants. The program provides persons with disabilities the opportunity to live independently in
their communities by increasing the supply of rental housing with the availability of supportive services.

To be classified as very low-income, a household income cannot exceed 50 percent of the area median income. However, most households that receive Section 811 assistance have an income less than 30 percent of the area median. Generally, this means that a one-person household will have an annual income of about $13,450.

HUD provides the Section 202 and Section 811 funds to non-profit organizations in two forms:

  • Capital Advances. This is funding that covers the cost of developing, acquiring, or rehabilitating the
    development. Repayment is not required as long as the housing remains available for occupancy by very
    low-income elderly persons for at least 40 years for (under Section 202) or very low-income persons with
    disabilities (under Section 811).

  • Project Rental Assistance Contract (PRAC). This is funding that goes to each development to cover
    the difference between the residents contributions toward rent and the HUD-approved cost of operating
    the project.



Section 811 - Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities
Project Location: Anchorage, AK
Non-Profit Sponsor: Anchorage Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc
Capital Advance: $2,085,000
Three-year rental subsidy: $206,100
Number of units: 10
Project Description:
The funds will be used construct 10 one-bedroom integrated design units for very low-income persons with
disabilities to serve as an independent living project. All units will be designed to accommodate the special needs
of individuals with disabilities and to allow them to live as independently as possible. Residents will be able to take advantage of community spaces, amenities, and on-site supportive services. The site is accessible to amenities
such as shopping, businesses and medical services.

Section 202 - Supportive Housing for the Elderly
Project Location: Anchorage, AK
Non-Profit Sponsor: Anchorage Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc
Capital Advance: $4,362,900
Three-year rental subsidy: $412,200
Number of units: 20
Project Description:
The funds will be used to construct 20 one-bedroom units for very low-income elderly persons. Anchorage Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. will offer a continuum of health care services to the residents. Case
management services will also be available to individuals who have chronic or complicated conditions who could benefit from a nurse case manager to assist with obtaining needed health care or other related community services.


Section 202 - Supportive Housing for the Elderly
Project Location: Boise, ID
Non-Profit Sponsor: Mercy Housing Idaho Inc.
Capital Advance: $4,297,700
Three-year rental subsidy: $429,600
Number of units: 42
Project Description:
The apartment complex will consist of 53 units of which, 42 will be funded through the Section 202 program. The
City of Boise is committed to this project, providing the sponsor with pre-development cost reductions and long
term capital in the form of HOME and CDBG funds as well as Greenspace grants. The city will also assist the project
in connecting to Boise's geothermal system to reduce long-term operating costs. LIHTCs will provide additional financing and U.S. Bank has agreed to be the project's construction lender for the construction loan.


Section 202 - Supportive Housing for the Elderly
Project Location: Cascade Locks, OR
Non-Profit Sponsor: Columbia Cascade Housing Corporation
Capital Advance: $1,633,800
Three-year rental subsidy: $129,300
Number of units: 13
Project Description:
Cascade Meadows Senior Apartments will be the first HUD-funded housing and the first designated senior housing in Cascade Locks. It will provide 13 new apartments specifically designed with the needs of seniors in mind. It will be located within walking distance of the library, city hall, stores, restaurants and medical offices. In addition, the City
of Cascade Locks is exploring funding options to develop a community center in the property adjacent to the apartments.


Section 811 - Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities
Project Location: Spokane, WA
Non-Profit Sponsor: Spokane Mental Health Coordinating Association
Capital Advance: $1,726,100
Three-year rental subsidy: $168,300
Number of units: 15
Project Description:
The funds will be used to construct 14 one-bedroom units for very-low income persons with mental disabilities and one two-bedroom resident manager unit. Public transportation will be available from Spokane Transit throughout the day and is within close proximity of the project. Residents will have easy access to shopping and medical facilities.
A case manager will be provided to help residents with reintegration through development of independent living skills and educational and vocational rehabilitation.

Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities
Project Location: Vancouver, WA
Non-Profit Sponsor: Columbia Nonprofit Housing
Capital Advance: $1,785,400
Three-year rental subsidy: $140,100
Number of units: 14
Project Description:
This 14 unit apartment complex will provide housing for very low-income people with disabilities. It is expected that
it will attract primarily one-person households who have a wide variety of physical disabilities. DisAbility Resources
of Southwest Washington (DARSW) will be the coordinating service provider for the project, although the tenants
will have the choice of using other service providers if desired. Through DARSW, the tenants can access information and referral to community resources, skills instruction, advocacy, as well as peer support/counseling.

Section 202 - Supportive Housing for the Elderly
Project Location: Omak, WA
Non-Profit Sponsor: Okanogan County Community Action Council
Capital Advance: $1,158,500
Three-year rental subsidy: $101,100
Number of units: 10
Project Description:
The funds will be used to construct nine one-bedroom units for very low-income elderly persons and one two-
bedroom unit for a resident manager. Okanogan Community Action Council will offer a variety of health care
services to residents and a case manager will be provided to help in accessing, obtaining, and effectively using
the necessary services. Transportation services are available for persons eligible to and from social services,
medical and health services, meal programs, senior centers, shopping and recreational activities.

Section 202 - Supportive Housing for the Elderly
Project Location: White Center, WA
Non-Profit Sponsor: Providence Health Services
Capital Advance: $8,297,800
Three-year rental subsidy: $767,400
Number of units: 55
Project Description:
The funds will be used to construct 54 one-bedroom units for very low-income elderly persons and one two-
bedroom unit for a resident manager. Providence Senior and Community Services will offer a continuum of health
care services to the residents and a Service Coordinator is being provided on site to help particularly frail residents assess and prioritize their needs. A shuttle will be offered to take residents on weekly grocery trips and outings.


HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for quality affordable rental homes: utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life; build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination; and transform the way HUD does business. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet at and


Content Archived: June 07, 2012