The Milwaukee Field Office Sponsored a Blood Drive

[Photo: Mike, Vicky, Shandra, and Amber of the Blood Center of Wisconsin with patient Andrea Carson]
Shown in the photograph are: Mike, Vicky, Shandra, and Amber of the Blood Center of Wisconsin with patient Andrea Carson, Program Assistant in the Milwaukee Multifamily Program Center.

The Milwaukee Field Office sponsored a blood drive on Thursday, January 29, 2009. Of the 24 people registered to donate, 11 were HUD volunteers. The Blood Center of Wisconsin collected 19 units of blood giving another birthday, another laugh, another hug, and another chance to 57 patients in our community. Participants from other agencies in downtown Milwaukee included representatives from Social Security Administration, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Bureau of Land Management, Milwaukee County Department of Aging, Federated Family Credit Union, and CB Richard Ellis.

Content Archived: July 29, 2011