Volunteers Build 3 Playgrounds in La Crosse

HUD's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, more than two hundred volunteers and thousands of dollars in contributions from individuals and business recently resulted in new playgrounds for three La Crosse schools. Two of the schools are located in low-income neighborhoods. Prior to this effort there was no equipment on the grounds, and no funds available from school district for capital improvements. The new playgrounds are a critical part of the City's efforts to develop sustainable neighborhoods.

The project took two years to develop and was led by parent teacher organizations and private parties who conducted fund raising efforts and mustered support from the business community and the public sector. Children who live in the neighborhoods were consulted regarding their needs and were taken on field trips to other locations to view play ground equipment installations.

Total cost of purchasing the playground equipment and site preparations approached $200,000, of which $58,000 came from the City's CDBG funds. After the funding was in place, the playground equipment was ordered and installed with the help of the 240 volunteers. The playgrounds are available to everyone 365 days a year.

[Photo 1: Volunteers preparing the playground surface]
Volunteers preparing the playground surface
[Photo 2: Volunteers assemble playground equipment]
Volunteers assemble playground equipment


Content Archived: May 27, 2014