Annual HUD Conference for Wisconsin Entitlement Grantees

The annual conference of Wisconsin CDBG entitlement grantees was held in Milwaukee in September. All twenty-two grantees were represented with a total of some fifty persons attending. A major topic of discussion was the Consolidated Plan Improvement Initiative (CPII). Nearly all of the grantees volunteered to take part in the pilot to test the new automated system in 2004 and 2005. HUD's Wisconsin Community Planning and Development Division is one of three HUD offices in the nation helping to develop and pilot CPII.

[Photo 1: Field Office Director Del Reynolds welcomed the grantees and discussed current HUD initiatives.]
Field Office Director Del Reynolds welcomed the grantees
and discussed current HUD initiatives.

[Photo 2: CPD Director and group]
CPD Director Bob Berlan joins in the discussion with (from left)
Region V Regional Inspector General for Investigations, Brad
Geare; and Regional Inspector General for Audits, Heath Wolfe.

[Photo 3: CPD Representative David Zeise Discussed the Emergency Shelter Grant Program with Grantees.]
CPD Representative David Zeise discussed the Emergency
Shelter Grant Program with Grantees.


Content Archived: May 27, 2014