Wyoming Point in Time Count

Local volunteers in Casper worked at conducting the count of homeless.

[Photo 1: Local volunteers in Casper that worked at the central intake point posing]
Volunteers at the central intake point worked collecting forms
from the people conducting the street count.

One of the methods for gathering this information includes volunteers actually conducting counts in communities in a single night of sheltered and unsheltered homeless populations. This method is referred to as the "Point in Time (PIT) Estimates for the Homelessness."

The PIT counts also provide an estimate of the number of homeless persons within particular subpopulations, such as chronically homeless people and veterans, and counts of beds in emergency shelters, transitional housing programs, safe havens, and permanent supportive housing programs.

[Photo 2: Donated food stacked and on tables]
Food donated by the Food Bank of the Rockies in Casper.

The count is usually conducted during the last ten calendar days of January, between January 22nd and January 31st. Counts are of homeless people sleeping in public places, etc. It generally takes place late at night (from midnight until 4:00 am) or start very early in the morning (often beginning before 4:00 am). The best practice, for example, is to conduct the public places count of unsheltered homeless people on the same night as the count of people in shelters and when the shelters are closed (i.e., in the middle of the night).

[Photo 3: Homeless man getting a quilt donated by local Faith-based groups.]
Homeless man getting a quilt donated by local Faith-based groups.


Content Archived: January 12, 2016