HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 16-112
Shantae Goodloe
(202) 708-0685
For Release
July 20 , 2016

Funding to make low-income housing safer and healthier

WASHINGTON - To protect children and families from the hazards of lead-based paint and from other home health and safety hazards, The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today awarded more than $52.6 million in Lead Based Paint Hazard Control grants to 23 local and state government agencies (see chart below). Read a complete project-by-project summary of the programs awarded grants today.

The grant funding announced today will reduce the number of children with elevated blood lead levels, and protect families by targeting health hazards in over 2,800 low-income homes with significant lead and other home health and safety hazards. The Lead Based Paint Hazard Control grant program has a demonstrated history of success, filling critical needs in urban communities where no other resources exist to address substandard housing that threatens the health of the most vulnerable residents.

HUD Secretary Julián Castro made the announcement during an event hosted by the Center for American Progress called: Creating Safe and Healthy Homes for All. HUD is focused on advancing policies that create opportunities for all Americans, including helping children and families secure quality housing by protecting them from the hazards of lead-based paint and other home health and safety hazards.

"Lead hazards have plagued our nation's children for decades, causing irreversible physical, emotional and mental side effects, and limiting the futures of so many among our next generation," said Secretary Castro. Our lead hazard control grant program is one of the strongest tools HUD has at its disposal to fight lead poisoning. With this funding, communities can remove lead hazards from low-income homes and give families a safer, brighter future."

"Millions of families and children are seeing their hope for the future threatened by poor healthsimply because of where they live," noted Michelle M. Miller, Acting Director of HUD's Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes. "This round of funding includes awards to five cities and states that are receiving grant awards for the first time. We are pleased the program is expanding into these previously unserved communities."

Unsafe and unhealthy homes affect the health of millions of people of all income levels, geographic areas, and walks of life in the U.S. These homes affect the economy directly, through increased utilization of health care services, and indirectly through lost wages and increased school days missed. Housing improvements help prevent injuries and illnesses, reduce associated health care and social services costs, reduce absentee rates for children in school and adults at work, and reduce stress, all which help to improve the quality of life.

Recently, HUD announced The Lead-Safe Homes, Lead-Free Kids Toolkit to strengthen protections for families living in HUD-assisted housing and prevent the devastating life-long effects of lead poisoning. The toolkit provides both immediate actions and a long-term vision to address lead in homes both through immediate changes to HUD programs and legislative proposals that would give HUD needed authority to ensure all HUD housing is lead-safe.

HUD's Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes promotes local efforts to eliminate dangerous lead paint and other housing-related health hazards from lower income homes; stimulate private sector investment in lead hazard control; supports cutting-edge research on methods for assessing and controlling housing-related health and safety hazards; and educates the public about the dangers of hazards in the home.

The funding announced today directs critical funds to cities, counties and states to eliminate dangerous lead paint and other housing-related health hazards in thousands of privately-owned, low-income housing units. As part of these awards, HUD is providing these Lead Based Paint Hazard Control grantees over $6.6 million in Healthy Homes supplemental funding to help communities mitigate multiple health hazards in high risk housing simultaneously,in conjunction with their lead hazard control activities.


HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet at and

You can also connect with HUD on social media and follow Secretary Castro on Twitter and Facebook or sign up for news alerts on HUD's Email List.

The following is a state-by-state breakdown of the funding announced today:



Lead based paint hazard control grant Amount

Healthy Homes Supplement Amount

Total Award Amount


City of Tucson





Alameda County




City of Pomona





City of Norwich




Naugatuck Valley Health District





Cerro Gordo County*




Polk County





Winnebago County





State of Louisiana*





City of Lawrence




City of Lynn





City of Portland





City of Grand Rapids





City of Jackson*





City of Charlotte





Summit County




Mahoning County




Erie County





City of Allentown




State of Pennsylvania




City of Lancaster*





Shelby County





Yakima County*









* A State and four communities that are first-time HUD lead hazard control grantees.


Content Archived: January 1, 2018