HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 16-143
Sawyer Hackett
(202) 708-0685
For Release
September 27, 2016

Housing Authorities in six states will receive funding under Jobs-Plus

WASHINGTON - In an effort to help low-income public housing residents secure higher paying jobs and access to greater opportunity, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced a $14 million investment in six public housing authorities and their partners.

HUD's Jobs-Plus Initiative Program is a proven model that helps public housing residents find and keep higher paying jobs by connecting them with employment opportunities, educational advancement and financial literacy services. Read more about how these PHAs will put their grant funds to work.

Today in Dayton, Ohio, HUD Secretary Julián Castro announced the funding with Mayor Nan Whaley and the Greater Dayton Housing Authority, one of six grantees around the country. Speaking at Gillespie Park in the DeSoto Bass Courts Development of Dayton, Secretary Castro stressed housing and employment as a platform for upward mobility.

"HUD is continually looking for opportunities to collaborate with local communities to expand opportunity and help lift folks out of poverty," said Secretary Castro. "Through Jobs-Plus, public housing authorities will be able to assist more Americans in their search for good jobs and higher wages that will put them on the path to success."

HUD's Jobs-Plus Initiative Program brings employment and training services directly to public housing properties. These grants employ several principles of the Administration's Job Driven training checklist ( to ensure that public housing residents are connected to evidence-based practices that are proven to work for job-seekers and employers. Since the program was launched by HUD in the Spring of 2015, it has now reached 24 communities throughout the nation.

The Jobs-Plus Initiative Program capitalizes on a successful demonstration ( program that combined traditional employment, training and job placement services with a rent incentive and a place-based investment in building community support for work. The program model, which requires PHAs to partner with Department of Labor's American Jobs Centers, promotes initiatives to improve employment and earnings outcomes, a critical element of self-sufficiency for all families.


HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet at and

You can also connect with HUD on social media and follow Secretary Castro on Twitter and Facebook or sign up for news alerts on HUD's Email List.

Public Housing Authority
Amount Funded
Florida Housing Authority of the City of Tampa 
Arizona City of Phoenix Housing Department
Maryland Housing Authority of Baltimore City
Ohio Greater Dayton Premier Management (Dayton MHA)
New York New York City Housing Authority
Rhode Island The City of Providence Housing Authority


Content Archived: January 1, 2018