HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 19-004
HUD Public Affairs
(202) 708-0685
For Release
January 31, 2019


WASHINGTON - U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson today announced an agreement with the City of New York and the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) to provide a new roadmap forward for NYCHA that will address the longstanding issues at the housing authority’s properties. Read the agreement.

"The families who have endured unimaginably poor housing conditions deserve better from their housing authority," said Secretary Carson. "Today we are presenting NYCHA residents with bold new solutions for decades-old problems."

The agreement, made under the authority of Secretary Carson and not subject to court approval, establishes specific requirements and milestones to address the serious health and safety hazards at NYCHA properties, including lead-based paint, mold, heat, vermin, among others. It also recognizes the existence of a substantial default by NYCHA but does not impose a receiver.

As part of the agreement, the City is committing at least $2.2 billion in funding over the next 10 years to address these issues. HUD will continue to provide funding to NYCHA, which is estimated to be $1.5 billion this year.

The agreement also establishes a federal monitor selected by HUD and the Southern District of New York (SDNY) with input from the City. The monitor will submit quarterly reports to HUD and SDNY, which will be made publicly available. The City will pay the cost of the monitor in addition to its other financial commitments. The parties expect to announce the monitor in the near future.

In addition, the plan meets the following key principles as required by HUD in December 2018 when Secretary Carson agreed to work with Mayor Bill de Blasio to reach an agreement to avoid receivership:

  • A sustainable commitment to decent, safe and sanitary affordable housing using all tools available
  • Setting specific performance targets for lead, mold, elevator, heat and vermin issues
  • Robust oversight to assure remediation objectives are met
  • Milestones for measuring meaningful progress toward remediation goals and other institutional improvements at NYCHA
  • Reduction of unwarranted costs and elimination of bureaucratic impediments to efficient operations
  • Management of the highest quality and commitment
  • Local control of day-to-day operations by NYCHA and New York City
  • Strong remedies that are immediately available to address any future failure to perform, whether in the case of individuals or organizational structures
  • Commitment of all relevant emergency powers available to NYCHA by New York City and New York State
  • Commitment of additional financial resources from New York City and New York State for remediation and future sustainability

"This is a very positive outcome, one that I believe can bring meaningful change to living conditions of the many thousands of families who depend upon NYCHA for their housing," said Secretary Carson. "But there is still a lot of work to be carried out. We look forward to continuing what has been a productive working relationship with the Mayor and his team. HUD will continue to advocate for the hundreds of thousands of children, women and men in New York City whose lives and livelihoods depend on having safe, fair and affordable housing. They deserve nothing less."


HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet at and

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Content Archived: January 1, 2021