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CPMP User Manual Quick Links

1CPMP_ver2.xls is a copy of the new 1CPMP.xls workbook. Grantees who already have data in the CPMP 1.3 1CPMP.xls workbook have two options: 1) copy and paste data as necessary into the new workbook, or 2) update their existing workbooks to include the new functionality. Instructions for the latter are provided below.

Grantees that choose to update their existing workbooks to include the new functionality will be required to run a macro. This macro must be run against the CPMP Main Worksheet within the 1CPMP.xls workbook. After the worksheet has been updated, grantees should review their workbook to verify changes before saving.

NOTE: The macro should be run only ONCE against the CPMP Main Worksheet and not against any other worksheets in 1CPMP.xls.

Screen shots and instructions provided below are from MS Excel 2000. Screens and prompts may differ slightly for other versions.

To Incorporate the New 1CPMP.xls Functionality into an Existing 1CPMP.xls Workbook:

  1. Download CPMP 2.0.

  2. Follow the instructions for downloading CPMP 2.0, including extracting the files.

    Important! It is highly recommended that you extract the CPMP Version 2.0 files to your LOCAL HARD DRIVE to run the macros. If the files need to be housed on a network, they can be copied to their permanent destination after the data migration.

  3. Once CPMP 2.0 is installed on your computer, copy your current 1CPMP.xls workbook to the folder named Ver2.0_Data Migration, which is located in the same folder to which you extracted CPMP 2.0.

    Note: It is recommended that you close all other applications, other than Microsoft Excel. Therefore, printing this page to complete execution of the macro is suggested. Also, if you have Excel's Auto Save feature installed (under the Tools menu), it should be turned off temporarily.

    Important! It is important that you COPY your existing 1CPMP.xls workbook to this folder. This will allow you to review the changes before saving and revert back to the original should you encounter difficulty.

  4. You must now open two Excel workbooks from the Ver2.0_Data Migration folder:

    1. First, open 1CPMP_ver2.xls.

    2. Next, open 1CPMP.xls.

  5. Note: You may receive 2 prompts for each workbook. Click Enable Macros for each workbook and click No to update links to other workbooks. (If you are not prompted to enable macros, ensure your security settings are set at Medium.)

  6. In 1CPMP.xls, select the CPMP Main Worksheet worksheet. Verify that only this one worksheet is selected. The worksheet tab will be white.

  7. On the Menu bar, select Tools. Then select Macro, and Macros from the submenu.

    [Screen shot of the Tools menu in Excel, with the Macro submenu displayed.]

  8. In the Macro dialog box, select the 1CPMP_ver2.xls!mcrImplementChanges macro, then select the Run button.

    [Screen shot of Macro dialog box with Implement Changes macro selected.]

  9. The macro should complete within a couple of seconds. You should see the following message, "Data migration complete."

    [Screen shot of message box that appears at the end of data migration.]

  10. Click OK to the message and verify the following changes were made:

    • Links were removed from the tables for Steps 3 and 4.

    • Tasks were added for Steps 2, 3, and 4.

    • Buttons labeled Specific Objectives and Goals were added, which link to new workbooks.

  11. Choose File | Save.

  12. Close 1CPMP.xls and save the changes. Also close 1CPMP_ver2.xls and choose No when prompted to save changes.

  13. You may now copy 1CPMP.xls up one folder to the CPMP_ver2 folder. Choose Yes to overwrite the 1CPMP.xls in the folder.

Content Archived: May 9, 2012