Fair Housing for HOME Participants

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Fair Housing for HOME Participants is a series of five publications: Understanding the Basics, Promoting Fair and Accessible Housing Opportunities in Home Projects, Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, Administering Tenant-Based Rental Assistance, and Creating Economic Opportunity. The purpose of the series is to provide technical assistance to HOME PJs and their housing partners on the fair housing laws and regulations that apply to HOME Program activities. Specifically, this series reviews the applicable Federal fair housing requirements, illustrates best practices in promoting fair housing, and highlights PJ responsibilities for ensuring compliance with fair housing requirements.

For purposes of these publications, the PJ's "housing partners" include all persons and entities who use HOME Program funds, including, but not limited to, the PJ and its recipients, state recipients, contractors, subcontractors, developers (including community housing development organizations), owners, and management agents. Unless otherwise specified, the fair housing requirements extend to the PJ and all its housing partners.

Content Archived: May 20, 2011