HUD Archives: CPD - HIV/AIDS Housing - HOPWA Laws and Regulations - 1995 Waiver Summaries

Request Date: 09/07/1995
Grantee: Municipality of San Juan
City: San Juan
State: PR
Regulation: 24 CFR 574.330 (
Issue: Short-term Supportive Housing limits
Waiver to extend short-term supportive housing limits for a specific case
HUD Action Date: 11/01/1995
Status: Resolved. Field office has the authority to approve actions by using the procedural waiver in the regulation
Request Date: 02/13/1995
Grantee: State of Washington, Dept of Community, Trade & Econ Development
City: Seattle
State: WA
Regulation: 24 CFR 574.300 (
Issue: Eligible Activities
Clarification that eligible activities at 574.300 ( includes the repayment of debt, as described in 1994 Competitive Application
HUD Action Date: 03/24/1995
Status: Approved
Request Date: 01/30/1995
Grantee: City of Boston
City: Boston
State: MA
Regulation: 24 CFR 574.320 (
Issue: FMR
Waiver of fair market rents to use alternative rent reasonableness standard for a client with a higher cost housing unit
HUD Action Date: Not specified
Status: Waiver resolved without future action
Content Archived: March 25, 2011