U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Community Planning and Development

Consolidated Plan Contact


The city of Glendale, Arizona, a rapidly growing community in the Phoenix metropolitan area, is one of seven members of the Maricopa County HOME Consortium Consolidated Plan. Needs and priorities related to housing and homelessness are addressed in the Maricopa County Consortium Consolidated Plan. The city's plan is a companion document to the county plan.

Action Plan

For Fiscal Year 1996, Glendale's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding is $2 million. Glendale provides some housing assistance funding through its general fund budgeting process. In the forthcoming fiscal year, the consortium is expected to spend $3.9 million in HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funds on housing rehabilitation in targeted geographic areas; approximately $480,00 of these funds will be committed to Glendale.

Citizen Participation

Three public hearings, publicized in a local newspaper, were held during plan preparation. A Spanish-speaking interpreter was present at all public hearings. At the first hearing, held on November 7, 1994, community opinion was sought concerning affordable housing, homeless needs, and community development. During the next two public hearings, held on January 12 and January 19, 1995, organizations presented requests for CDBG and HOME funds. During a 30-day public response period, comments about the plan were received from the Glendale Public Housing Board, the Glendale Housing Partnership, the Emergency Services Partnership, and several citizens.


The Maricopa HOME Consortium is composed of seven member governments. The consortium serves an estimated 67,000 renter households and 49,800 owner households that earn less than 80 percent of the area median family income and are in need of housing assistance. By Fiscal Year 1999, these numbers are expected to increase to 76,000 and 56,500, respectively. Many of these households are cost burdened or severely burdened, paying 30 to 50 percent of their income on housing. Waiting lists for Federal rental assistance programs are long. Low-income persons often must wait 2 or more years for public housing.

Over the past 22 years, Glendale has experienced unprecedented population growth through both annexation and land development. Annexation has increased the city's land area from 16 square miles in 1970 to more than 50 square miles in 1990. The population has grown from 36,000 in 1970 to an estimated 162,000 in 1995. Projected population growth is expected at an average rate of 2.0 to 2.8 percent annually.



Maricopa County is experiencing sustained economic and employment growth. Construction of major capital improvements, revitalization and preservation of neighborhoods in designated areas, and redevelopment of the downtown area have followed the growth in the city's population.

Housing Market Conditions

The number of permits for construction of residential single-family homes is at an all-time high. Multifamily market conditions are causing rental rates to escalate. Vacancy rates for saleable single-family homes are low, as are rates for multifamily homes. Most building permits issued for new multifamily housing target middle- and high-income individuals and families. Rapid escalation of home values and of apartment rental rates is putting a strain on housing stock availability for low-income persons.

Barriers to Affordable Housing

Glendale is addressing barriers to affordable housing -- residential design criteria and development fees. Changes can be expected to be implemented in Fiscal Year 1995.

Fair Housing

Glendale will contract with Dynamic Program Planning, Inc., operators of the Fair Housing Center of Maricopa County, to implement a fair housing and counseling project. The project will provide housing discrimination complaint processing, conciliation, education, outreach, monitoring, counseling, and referral services to enforcement agencies.

Glendale also will develop an analysis instrument to identify impediments to fair housing within the jurisdiction, take appropriate actions to overcome the effects of any impediments, and maintain records documenting the analysis and any subsequent action.

Lead-Based Paint

Glendale participates in the Maricopa County Department of Public Health, Division of Community Health Services Lead Task Force. This task force develops plans for the identification and elimination of lead-based paint risks to children, tracks changes in Federal regulations pertaining to implementation of lead paint abatement, and advises housing rehabilitation participants of the possibility that their dwelling units may contain lead-based paint. The Glendale Public Housing Services Division will complete the process of lead-based paint removal in 121 units in 1995 with Comprehensive Improvement Assistance Program funding.

Community Development Needs

Glendale's community development needs include:


The Neighborhood Resources Department was the lead agency in the preparation of the Consolidated Plan. The following groups and organizations participated in the development of the plan: the Community Development Advisory Committee; the Glendale Development Board; the Public Housing Division; the Neighborhood Revitalization Division; and social service agencies that work with at-risk youth, seniors, and persons with HIV/AIDS and provide employment and job training, mental health counseling, and shelter for abuse victims.


Anti-poverty Strategy

Glendale's 1-year anti-poverty plan focuses on prevention programs. These programs will be managed by nonprofit organizations with funding from Glendale's CDBG funds. For example, "Show Them a Better Way" will target at-risk youth. The Glendale Community Action Program spearheaded and organized this activity as well as Head Start and poverty prevention programs such as food referrals and energy assistance. Families living below the poverty level also will be helped by transitional housing from Homeward Bound, a shelter for displaced individual victims of domestic violence, and the Family Self-Sufficiency Program, which will help families achieve economic independence.

Housing and Community Development Resources

Resources that are available for Fiscal Year 1996 come from a variety of public and private sources. Federal resources include CDBG, Section 202, Low-Rent Public Housing, Section 8 vouchers and certificates, Moderate Rehab I and II, and the HOME program. State resources include State Energy Assistance and the Housing Trust Fund. General funds include Central Arizona Shelter Services, Block Grant Administration, Housing Administration, and HOME Matching Funds. Nonprofit and private funds include contributions from private sources, such as citizens, private lenders, and Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) corporate contributions. Glendale also has available land, such as the former site of the Glendale Public Safety Building (57th Drive) and the southwest corner of 53rd Avenue and Orangewood Avenue, for use for housing and community development purposes.

Coordination of the Strategic Plan

The Maricopa County Consortium interacts frequently with nonprofit organizations. The consortium addresses housing problems through the HOME program and through the CDBG program. A standard monitoring instrument developed by consortium members will be used for HOME and CDBG assessment.

The Glendale Community Council sponsors an Emergency Services Partnership to advocate for and coordinate services available to persons in need. The Council also sponsors the Housing Partnership, which includes bankers, builders, CHDO, several nonprofit organizations, and local government agency representatives. The partnership aims to provide more efficient solutions for community housing needs.


Description of Key Projects

There are 338 projects to be accomplished during Fiscal Year 1996. Key projects include:


The proposed revitalization activities will be within designated community development areas that are bounded by 51st Avenue, Orangewood Avenue, 63rd Avenue, and Maryland Avenue. These programs also are offered to focus areas for a 1-year period. Revitalization programs are being offered in Focus Areas #21, 25, 26, 27A, 27B, and 28.

Additional target areas have been established in other parts of the city where available census information indicates that more than 51 percent of the residents have incomes below 80 percent of the area median income. The single-family residential rehabilitation program will be expanded to accommodate low- and moderate-income residents in designated neighborhood strategy areas.

Lead Agencies

The Neighborhood Resources Department, specifically the Neighborhood Revitalization Division, is responsible for the administration of the CDBG and HOME programs.


MAP 1 depicts points of interest in the jurisdiction

MAP 2 depicts points of interest and low-moderate income areas.

MAP 3 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, and minority concentration levels.

MAP 4 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, and unemployment levels.

MAP 5 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, and proposed HUD funded projects; in addition, a table provides information about the project(s).

To comment on Glendale's Consolidated Plan, please contact:

Ms. Lillian Hamilton
PH: (602) 435-4109

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