U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Community Planning and Development

Consolidated Plan Contact


Peoria's Consolidated Plan covers the non- housing component of it's HUD assisted community development actions for the next five years. Housing actions are contained in the Maricopa County HOME Consortium Consolidated Plan.

Action Plan

This plan contains the non-housing actions to be undertaken within the next year (1995-1996). Eleven non-housing programs/projects will be undertaken this year. They include homeowner occupied building rehabilitation,expansion of a community center, installation of curb cuts to remove architectural barriers, emergency one-time only payment of rent and/ or utilities to prevent elderly homelessness, assisting housebound elderly and disabled, providing sickroom equipment for low income disabled persons living in their homes, providing day care for parents coming off welfare.

Citizen Participation

Public hearings were held on the proposed consolidated plan, including the strategic 5 year and 1 year action plan. The were held on March 13th and 20th, 1995. A condensed summary of the Consolidated Plan was published and comments were solicited on the draft Plan and the final Plan. No comments were received.


Located in Maricopa County, near Phoenix and Scottsdale Arizona, Peoria was incorporated in 1954. Today it has a population of about 66,600 persons. By 1999, its population is expected to grow to about 82,000.



Peoria is a rapidly growing suburban community that had it's start as an agricultural center. The County in and around Peoria is experiencing sustained economic and employment growth. Peoria has an unemployment rate of less than 4%, supporting the prevailing economic conditions as quite strong. Additional evidence of the health of the local economy can be seen as the residential single family permitting is at an all time high level and multi-family market conditions are inducing escalating rental rates. Peoria also has some of the oldest housing stock in the Metro area. Over 500 owner occupied units are 40 or more years old. It is often noted that these older homes do not include basic requirements of other current Peoria building codes for units to be decent, safe and sanitary. Frequently these older homes are occupied by elderly residents who live on fixed incomes.

Housing Needs

A trend of escalation in home values and apartment rental rates is stressing stock availability for lower income persons in need of assistance. Hikes in mortgage interest rates coupled with rising land and labor costs are exacerbating the problem of housing affordability for persons in need. While residential market conditions will eventually abate somewhat as the economy ultimately turns down, the opportunities afforded lower income families as a result of the recent real estate depression is not anticipated to occur again in the near future as Peoria continues to increase in population.

Housing Market Conditions

[All sections on market conditions and needs assessments except the Non-Housing Community Development Plan are included in the Maricopa County HOME Consortium Consolidated Plan.] Seventy-five percent of the City's 21,944 housing units are owner occupied.

Affordable Housing Needs

Currently 5,688 owner occupied housing units and 2,289 renter occupied housing units are paying more than 30% of their gross income on housing. That represents 44 % of all Peoria households. HUD's definition of moderate income or lower fits 6,575 of the City's households or 36% of all households. Additionally, the 1990 Census indicates that 7.9%, or about 400 persons are below the poverty level.

Homeless Needs

It is estimated that at least 8,100 homeless persons currently reside in Maricopa County, and these individuals require emergency, transitional and permanent housing facilities, as well as a host of support services. Generally, the facilities and services presently committed and available to serve these persons are not adequate in any entitlement community to address the need. The actual Peoria counts for homeless and special needs populations according to 1990 Census is negligible representing a hundredth of a percentage of the total population, however the City of Peoria is in agreement that these are regional issues that must be resolved as a uniform decision through the Maricopa HOME Consortium.

Survey's conducted by the Maricopa County Consortium of Entitlements demonstrate there are significant waiting lists in effect for the full spectrum of federal rental and housing assistance programs. Often waiting lists for rental assistance are over 2 years in duration.

Public and Assisted Housing Needs

The City of Peoria operates a public housing program that consists of 45 one bedroom units for elderly and disabled households, and 25 two and three bedroom scattered site projects for qualifying families. The City solicits funds from federal resources to make emergency repairs, address safety issues and make repairs that are not part of routine maintenance making the housing decent, safe and sanitary. All of the public housing is in good condition and receive regular maintenance throughout the year. The Housing Authority addresses tenant problems with a goal to complete any needed repair within 24 hours.

Barriers to Affordable Housing

The City of Peoria has not formally adopted any public policies that would tend to impede or assist affordable housing in the City. Most of the affordable housing exists at the southern end of the City. This is a section which is older and units are typically smaller and in various stages of need of repair. The overall cost of housing in Peoria is some of the most reasonable in the metropolitan area. While this might seem to benefit rather than act as an impediment to affordability, there is a reason that median census data shows our owner occupied housing selling at an average of $84,000; this has to do with the age of housing and the need for substantial rehabilitation. The burden of cost becomes a significant factor for the new property owner moving into an existing structure. Currently, 15% of the City's 18,000 housing units are 40 years of age or older. The repair costs and general upkeep of these properties is very high and creates a barrier to what could be the most affordable housing in the area for purchases.

The City will initiate a study during FY 1995 to assess fair and effective methods to remove barriers to affordability. In addition renewed commitment to the Section 8 Housing activity and Peoria Public Housing project will be undertaken to assist those who are "at risk" of loosing housing because of increasing rental costs.

Presently the City is working with several lending institutions to develop low interest loans and other creative financing to make homes available to low and moderate income families throughout the City. The oldest residential area which needs major rehabilitation exists west of Grand Avenue to 91st Avenue, south of Peoria Avenue. The City has targeted resources to addressing critical housing problems in this area.

Lead-Based Paint

The City of Peoria recognizes that with a large segment of the housing stock being over 20 years old that the possibility of finding lead-based paint in housing constructed in the 1960's is possible. The City will undertake to perform site tests at all housing rehabilitation projects and activate controls for prevention of lead based hazard for any households where the test results are positive.

The City has assessed that approximately 100 housing units are pre 1940 construction and a total of approximately 450 additional units are pre 1960 construction. These figures represent .3% (point 3) of the total housing stock of the City and there is little chance that these high risk homes will be encountered. The typical age of housing in Peoria which has some risk of lead paint hazard was constructed between 1960 and 1980. 1990 Census indicates that 6,800 households were constructed during this 20 year period and further that 62% of these structures will potentially have lead paint hazard (or 4,216 households). Of the total housing stock in Peoria of approximately 21,000 units, the percentage which may have a lead paint hazard is 2% The City has assessed that the chances of lead based paint hazards existing on projects undertaken with Federal funds is minimal.

The City will initiate a new site testing procedure to be performed on all rehabilitation projects. Every household that is considered for rehabilitation will receive specific notice of the dangers of lead. Additional precautions will be taken when families receiving assistance have small children as part of the household.

Other Issues

See the Maricopa County HOME Consortium Consolidated Plan.

Community Development Needs

Public facility needs include community centers, parks, and other public facilities that serve low and moderate income persons.

Public service needs include senior services, youth programs, landlord/tenant counselling, crime prevention, etc.

Planning and historic preservation include housing rehabilitation.

Economic development needs include commercial and industrial building rehabilitation, support of micro businesses, etc.

Neighborhood revitalization and redevelopment includes commercial and industrial rehabilitation, infrastructure, and public facilities development.


See the Maricopa County HOME Consortium Consolidated Plan for housing programs/ projects coordination.


Vision for Change

A five year Peoria Consolidated Plan strategy (excluding the housing component, which is contained in the Maricopa County HOME Consortium Consolidated Plan) is based upon an overall vision.

Housing and Community Development Objectives and Priorities

See Maricopa County HOME Consortium Consolidated Plan

Housing Priorities

See Maricopa County HOME Consortium Consolidated Plan

Non-Housing Community Development Priorities

Housing Rehabilitation assistance for those in greatest need, community facilities and public infrastructure in low and moderate income areas, and supportive social services for elderly, disabled and poor.

Anti-Poverty Strategy

The primary focus of the City of Peoria is to address those households whose income is at or below the poverty rate. The basic causes of poverty are frequently factors for which the City has little or no control and, therefore, the City's objectives are specific only to those appropriate areas where the City may be able to have a positive impact, including encouraging non-profits dealing with poverty issues to conduct activities in Peoria City limits. Support and encourage projects which can develop job opportunities. Work with fellow members of the Maricopa County HOME Consortium. Continue to operate a referral program for family assistance that the city does not provide, such as senior service through Foundation for Senior Living, youth guidance through the Valley Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Center for Sexual Assault, transitional housing through Homeward Bound, etc.

Housing and Community Development Resources

Other federal resources include:

Private resources include:


Description of Key Projects

Owner occupied residential rehabilitation..................................10 units

Expansion of community center serving low and moderate income persons ..1,200 persons

Installation of curb cuts ..............................................2,000 persons

Child care for children whose parents have just come off welfare ..........60 persons

Emergency one time rent, mortgage & utility payment to prevent homelessness...............................................................20 families

Care for housebound elderly and disabled ..................................50 persons

Sickroom, in home equipment for low income, elderly and disabled persons...50 persons


Target of the CDBG and HOME funds will assist low and moderate income persons community wide. Targeting of activities will be conducted in the Housing Rehabilitation Program to two local areas:

"Varney" - bounded on the north by Kirby St., on the south by Varney, on the east by 79th Ave., and on the west by 83rd Ave.; and,

"Oldtown" - bordered on the north by Peoria Ave., on the south by Monroe Ave., on the east by Grand Ave. and on the west by 85th St.

Lead Agencies

See the Maricopa County HOME Consortium Consolidated Plan for housing and housing support agencies.

Housing Goals

See the Maricopa County HOME Consortium Consolidated Plan.


MAP 1 depicts points of interest in the jurisdiction.

MAP 2 depicts points of interest and low-moderate income areas.

MAP 3 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, and minority concentration levels.

MAP 4 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, and unemployment levels.

To comment on Peoria's Consolidated Plan, please contact:

Bill Patena
Human Services Manager
Peoria City, Arizona
(602) 412-7140

Return to Arizona's Consolidated Plans.