U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Community Planning and Development


The Township of Irvington is the recipient of federal entitlement Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funds. As a condition of receipt of these funds the township must prepare and submit an Annual Action Plan to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This Annual Action Plan is related to the township's previously prepared and approved Five Year Consolidated Plan.

Available Funds

The township has been advised by HUD that it will receive an entitlement grant allocation of $1,335,000.00 in CDBG funds and $492,000.00 in HOME funds. In addition, the township estimates that there will be $15,000.00 in program income available to the CDBG program and the township will reprogram $1,252.75 in year 17 (FY 1991) funds and $28,509.48 in year 20 (FY 1994) funds.

Range of Eligible Activities

Funds available under the CDBG Program may be used for a wide range of activities including acquisition, disposition, public facilities and improvements, clearance activities, public services, interim assistance, payment of non federal share of grants, relocation, loss of rental income, housing services, utility construction, homeownership assistance, economic development, provision of technical assistance, certain educational institution assistance, rehabilitation and preservation activities, special assistance to community based development organizations and related planning, environmental and administrative activities. Funds available under the HOME Program may be used to provide incentives to develop and support affordable rental housing and homeownership affordability through acquisition, new construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation by funding of eligible hard and soft costs and related planning, environmental and administrative activities.

Program Limitations

Both the CDBG and the HOME Program have certain legislative and regulatory limitations of the uses of funds which restrict the types of projects and activities which may be funded under these programs, including the requirement that funds must principally benefit persons of low or moderate income. As a result the range of eligible activities under these programs is subject to these legislative and regulatory limitations. The township her prepared a draft Annual Action Plan as summarized below. Based on the projects and activities proposed the township anticipates that 100% of both the CDBG and HOME Program funds will be used in a manner which will benefit low and moderate income persons as defined in federal regulations.

Annual Action Plan

In 1995 the township prepared a Five Year Consolidated Plan covering the CDBG and HOME Program fiscal years 1995 to 1999 as part of its planning and application obligations under revised federal regulations. Now, to receive fiscal year 1996 CDBG and HOME Program funds the township has prepared a one year Annual Action Plan for fiscal year 1996. Based on a review of project proposals submitted to the Office of Planning and Community Development and the township's experience in the administration of prior year grants an Annual Action Plan has been prepared.


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