U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Community Planning and Development

FY 1996 Action Plan

Consolidated Plan Contact

The City anticipates that its 1996 CDBG allocation will be $2,031,000. In addition, $104,430 will be reprogrammed to the FY 1996 program year from prior year programs.

The City also anticipates that its FY 1996 HOME allocation will be $470,000. This level of funding will require a matching contribution equal to $105,750.

The City has also applied for funding under the Federal Home Loan Bank Program in an amount of $90,000. These funds will be utilized to promote homeownership.

There are also a number of social service agencies providing housing and services to the area's lower income and special needs population. The City is unable to quantify the dollar value of the time and resources provided by these groups.

Activities to be undertaken

Activities to be Undertaken in 1996 to Address Priority Needs and Local Objectives

Strategy Implementation

The City's one year strategy and action plan sets the annual goals based on the five year strategy. The one year goals represent activities that are expected to occur in the upcoming Fiscal Year. The City will monitor and modify strategy performance and set annual goals in future fiscal years accordingly.

The following grid represents the priorities to be addressed and the resources that the City of Bethlehem anticipates to be available in FY 1996. This section will show both the CDBG based activities and the activities to be undertaken by the City's HOME program.

The activities are presented in terms of Housing and Community Development and show the funding source and anticipated amount for the upcoming fiscal year.

Activity Type and NumberDescriptionFunding SourceAnticipated Amount
Housing #14Homeowner Rehabilitation Direct Grants up to $12,000CDBG
Housing #21Direct Homeownership AssistanceHOME$90,734
Housing #24Acquisition of land for new housing constructionCDBG$38,150
Housing #28Substantial Rehabilitation for Rental - CHDO SetasideHOME$70,500
Housing/Homeless #26Improvements at Homeless Shelter - Turning Point Transition CenterCDBG$ 15,000
Housing/Homeless #27Improvements at Homeless Shelter - Turning PointCDBG$ 3,885
Public Improvements #2Improvements at Martin Luther King PlaygroundCDBG$5,000
Public Improvements #4Reconstruct E. Seventh Street - Lynn Avenue to dead endCDBG$140,000
Public Improvements #5Reconstruct Pawnee Street - Fourth Street to Fiot StreetCDBG$140,000
Public Improvements #6Hayes Street Improvements (curbs, sidewalks, trees) - E. 4th St. to E. 6th St.CDBG$91,000
Public Improvements #7Relocation and reconstruction of Old York Road for one block - South of Union Blvd.CDBG$70,000
Public Improvements #8Purchase of fire aerial truck to service South Side.CDBG$250,000
Economic Dev. #1Purchase and/or demolish property for redevelopment for economic development.CDBG$175,000
Economic Dev. #20Fund for Revitalization and Economic Development (FRED) Program.CDBG$225,000
Economic Dev. #19Administration Services by BEDCO for Economic Development activitiesCDBG$100,000
Public Service #10Consumer Credit CounselingCDBG
Public Service #12Additional Police Patrol in lower income areasCDBG$100,000
Public Service #13Homeowner counseling programCDBG$8,000
Public Service #15Lead based paint hazard reduction - testing, provision of shelterCDBG$28,750
Public Service #16Preventive dental care to 3-6 year old low income City residentsCDBG$24,000
Public Service #17HIV counseling, testing and partner notificationCDBG$14,850
Barrier Removal #25Walkway from Waterworks to Luckenbach MillCDBG$5,350
Barrier Removal #3Curb cuts at various intersectionsCDBG$75,000
Barrier Removal #9Removal of architectural barriers in public facilities City-wideCDBG$34,446
Administration # 18Redevelopment Authority Staff Delivery Costs - Acq/Demo/ Housing Rehab, HOOP, etc.CDBG$100,000
Administration # 22 & #23General Administrative costs including third party consulting servicesCDBG/

Homeless Activities

In addressing the Priority Homeless Needs outlined in the Consolidated Plan, the City of Bethlehem will undertake the following activities to assist the homeless:

  1. Renovation to a structure at 318 W. Market Street used as a homeless shelter under contract with Turning Point Transition Center (Activity #26).
  2. Renovations at the homeless shelter owned and operated by Turning Point (Activity #27).

Other Actions


Public Housing

The Bethlehem Housing Authority submitted its Comprehensive Grant Program application to HUD in July, 1995. A copy of the application is on file in the office of the Department of Community and Economic Development in City Hall.

The Authority presently manages 11 separate projects in its public housing program in addition to the 503 Section 8 Existing Housing program certificates and vouchers. The Comprehensive Grant application indicates that funds will be expended program wide to address maintenance needs at each of the public housing projects.


To comment on Bethlehem's Consolidated Plan, please contact:

Mr. Dana Grubb
Grants Administrator
(610) 865-7085

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