U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Community Planning and Development

The City of Amarillo's Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development identifies Amarillo's needs for affordable housing as well as non-housing community and neighborhood development needs. The Consolidated Plan covers a five year period beginning in October 1995. The Plan guides the allocation of federal resources received by the City of Amarillo from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The following housing and community development strategies were developed based on data analysis and other information gathered for the Consolidated Plan. Activities funded with CDBG, HOME or ESG funds must address one or more of the following priority strategies.


Affordable Housing

Lower income renter households should have opportunities to live in decent, safe and
affordable housing.

Low and moderate income homebuyers should have the opportunity and ability to live in
decent, safe and affordable housing of their choice.

Low and moderate income homeowners should live in decent, safe and affordable housing.


Achieve a continuum of care to reduce the number of homeless families and individuals and
those at risk of becoming homeless.

Other Special Needs

Improve the quality of life for those persons with special needs, such as the elderly, frail
elderly, the mentally ill and those living with AIDS by providing opportunities for decent, safe
and affordable housing with services responsive to their needs.

Non-Housing Community Development

Low and moderate income residents should have opportunities to live in socially and
economically viable neighborhoods with services, facilities and infrastructure responsive to
their needs.


An action plan is prepared annually which describes the specific activities to be funded during the program year. The City of Amarillo's Annual Action Plan outlines the use of $3,394,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) and Emergency Shelter Grant Program (ESG) funds during the 1996-97 program year.


A wide variety of activities will be undertaken with the City of Amarillo's CDBG, HOME or ESG funds for the program year which begins October 1,1996.

  • $350,500 for nonprofit facility improvements; including the creation of a "one-stop" community
    mental health facility, soccer fields at the boys & girls club, and fire safety improvements to
    two child care centers.

  • $837,500 for public infrastructure improvements; including residential street paving and park

  • $1,197,900 for housing activities; including housing rehabilitation, emergency repairs, homebuyer
    downpayment assistance, rental rehabilitation to create apartments for low income elderly, as
    well as funding for two Community Housing Development Organizations.

  • $376,000 for public service activities; including subsidized child care, subsidized adult day and
    health care, youth recreational and educational activities, family counseling and education, and
    meals and supplemental food for elderly and disabled persons.

  • $90,000 for demolition and clearance activities.

  • $174,000 for homeless shelter operations, services for homeless persons, the rehabilitation of a
    single-family structure for use as transitional housing, and the renovation of two shelters.

  • $368,100 for the administration of the CDBG and HOME programs.


    Excluding the administrative costs from the total, 96% of the CDBG funds will benefit persons who have annual incomes of less than 80% of the median family income (MFI).

    In both the HOME and ESG programs, 100% of the funding will benefit persons with annual incomes of less than 80% MFI.


    The CDBG target area is composed of census tracts in which at least 51% of the population is low and moderate income. CDBG funded projects must be located in the target area, with two exceptions. Housing activities may occur anywhere in the City. Recipients of public service activities must live in the City, not the target area. ESG and HOME funds may be used throughout the City.


    The City of Amarillo is the lead agency for the implementation of activities under the Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development and the Annual Action Plan. The City will monitor subrecipient agencies for compliance with federal, state and local requirements and to ensure performance.


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