U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Community Planning and Development

Consolidated Plan Contact


The City of Des Plaines, Illinois was incorporated in 1835. Over the past 160 years, the City has evolved from a wealthy agricultural community to a post-war boom town, and most recently, a stable inner-ring suburb. Des Plaines is located 21 miles northwest of downtown Chicago, with excellent access to rail, road and air transportation. The City of Des Plaines receives the smallest CDBG entitlement grant in the State of Illinois.

Action Plan

The Action Plan describes the federally-funded activities the City of Des Plaines proposes to undertake in Program Year (PY) 1995 to address the needs and objectives identified in the Strategic Plan. PY1995 will begin October 1, 1995 and end September 30, 1996. Currently, the CDBG program constitutes the sole source of federal funding received by the City of Des Plaines for housing and community development programs.


The City of Des Plaines will continue to support a dual strategy of targeting some programs citywide and others directly to low and moderate income concentration areas.

Lead Agencies

The City's Department of Community Development is the lead agency for the Consolidated Plan. It has initiated and carried out the planning process and the development of the Plan.

Housing Goals

The goals identified in the Des Plaines Consolidated Plan include both housing and non- housing community development goals. Because the City's CDBG program is quite small, we have listed all of the goals of the Consolidated Plan here as follows: sidewalk repairs, 25 households; senior homeshare, 50 households; employment assistance, 125 individuals; emergency shelter, 10 individuals; child care subsidies, 12 families (15 children); transitional housing, 3 families; housing rehabilitation, 40 units (20 single-family and 20 multi-family units); code enforcement survey of 14 households; fair housing counseling, 50 households; and 5 small scale neighborhood improvement projects by community organizations.


MAP 1 depicts points of interest in the jurisdiction

MAP 2 depicts points of interest and low-moderate income areas.

MAP 3 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, and minority concentration levels.

MAP 4 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, and unemployment levels.

TABLE (without associated map) provides information about the project(s).

To comment on Des Plaine's Consolidated Plan, please contact:

Ruth Broder
CDBG Administrator
City of Des Plaines

PH: (708) 391-5381

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