U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Community Planning and Development

Consolidated Plan Contact


The city of Peoria is a mid-size central Illinois community of approximately 113,504. It is the oldest settlement in the state of Illinois. The City and County take their name from the Peoria Indians, one of the tribes of the Illiniwek Indian nations who inhabited the Illinois River Valley.

Action Plan

The Consolidated Action Plan proposes a targeted and coordinated strategy for the implementation of neighborhood-oriented programs and services with the use of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) and HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) grant funds for the fiscal year of 1995. The one-year action plan includes federal funding of approximately $3,527,000. These funds will be primarily spent on housing rehabilitation activities, public infrastructure enhancements and human service programs.

Citizen Participation

The consolidated planning process brought together many diverse groups throughout the community. This very diversity is the strength that will allow this plan to be successfully implemented. Agencies dealing with all facets related to neighborhood development, affordable housing, economic revitalization and human development have been involved in the planning process.

Since the inception of the Neighborhood Division (1992), target area residents have had the opportunity to attend literally hundreds of neighborhood and community meetings. Citizens have always had adequate and timely notification of local meetings and public forums.

In addition to the numerous public meetings held this year to address the needs of target area residents, two public hearings specifically dedicated for the discussion of the consolidated plan were held in Peoria. Each meeting was published, conveniently timed and located for people who might or will benefit from program funds. The meeting facilities were conducive to meet the needs of the physically disabled.

The City of Peoria published a summary of its action plan so that affected citizens would have sufficient opportunity to review it and provide comments. Complete copies of the consolidated plan were made available for review at the public libraries, city hall, each neighborhood center and the Peoria Housing Authority. The action plan summary described the contents and purpose of the consolidated plan, and included a list of the locations where copies of the entire plan could be examined.


The city of Peoria is the oldest settlement in the state of Illinois. According to the 1990 census the city's population is 113,504; it is the largest municipality in the central Illinois MSA which has a population of 343,504. The majority of Peoria's 1990 population was white (80 percent), 19 percent were African-American, and 1 percent were other minorities.

The median family income (MFI) in 1990 was $26,074. Forty-eight percent of all households in Peoria were low- and moderate-income (with incomes below 80 percent of MFI) in 1990.



Over the past 20 years, Peoria's population has decreased by 9% from 126,963 to 113,504. The primary cause of this loss in population was the economic recession of the late 1970's and early 1980's.

The 1990 census demonstrates a change in racial composition in Peoria. In 1980, minority's represented 16% of the population. By 1990 minority populations made up 20% of the total population. Conversely, the white population comprised 84% of the total population in 1980. By 1990, the white population had decreased 4%, thus representing 80% of the total population.

The median household income in 1990 was $26,074. Median incomes range from a low of $5,000 in the lowest income census block group to over $150,000 in the highest income census block group.

The Peoria area economy has a long history of manufacturing and agricultural production. From the many distilleries which were prevalent at the turn of the century to the present day production of heavy equipment, manufacturing jobs have been a cornerstone of the local economy.

Housing Needs

The 1990 census revealed that there were 48,260 housing units within the City. With a population of 113,504, Peoria has an average of 2.35 people per housing unit. The availability of land to increase housing units is limited within the City's boundaries.

Although the City of Peoria is considered one of the most affordable cities in the nation in terms of housing, the median income in the City is shrinking and the housing stock is suffering as a result. Rents remain at a premium level while abandoned housing is demolished.

In the low to moderate income areas of the City, the average home is well over forty years old. Deferred maintenance has taken a toll on this aging housing stock. Owner-occupied housing has decreased dramatically in many of the low/mod income neighborhoods, creating some newly available rental housing, but also indicating abandonment of certain neighborhoods.

Certain elderly and low income homeowners are in danger of losing their homes if they cannot be maintained to minimum health and safety standards. Large families are challenged with identifying affordable housing. These families tend to be headed by single female parents, and landlords are often reluctant to rent to them because of their family's size.

Housing Market Conditions

Peoria's total housing count stands at 48,260 units (1990 U.S. Census). Approximately 3,284 of these units were vacant in 1990 giving Peoria an occupancy rate of 93.2 percent. A high rate of housing occupancy coupled with the economic resurgence are primary factors in the growth of the housing market. Another factor to considered in housing development is attrition. Over the past ten years, there has been a net decline in residential units through the demolition process.

From 1980 to 1989 Peoria produced an additional 1,594 housing units. During the same time frame 3,187 housing units were demolished. For every new unit added, two units were removed from the market.

A review of the average value of building permits indicates that the demand for housing above $100,00 has been increasing. This has been reflected in the marketplace since the majority of the building permits issued have been for housing valued at $100,000 or greater.

With a maximum additional population projection of 17,000 people, an average household size of 2.52 persons and a 1990 vacancy rate of 3,284 units, there is a the potential for increased housing demand. Therefore, approximately 3,500 additional units may be needed through the year 2010.

Affordable Housing Needs

The median selling price of a house is the best indicator of affordability. Peoria has a low median housing price in comparison to other communities of similar size. According to the National Association of Realtors, in the 4th quarter of 1991 the median housing price was $59,300. This is a 16% rise from the 4th quarter of 1990.

Based on 1985 building permit data, 13 single family homes were built with an average value of $80,538. By 1989, the average value of the 206 new homes constructed increased to $108,408. Based on current demolition trends, there has been a decline in the number of housing units in areas of the City that have been traditionally valued at or below $50,000.

Although the City of Peoria is considered one of the most affordable cities in the nation in terms of housing, the median income in the City is shrinking and the housing stock is suffering as a result. Rents remain at a premium level while abandoned housing is demolished. Studies have concluded that approximately 20% of housing in Peoria is substandard. There is a overcrowding burden in some parts of the City due to doubling and tripling up of very low and low income persons sharing small spaces.

Homeless Needs

At any given time there are between 1,800 to 2,000 homeless individuals and families in the Peoria area. Based on a recent survey of homeless care providers, 40% of Peoria's homeless population are single adults. Single mothers and their children are the fastest growing homeless population in the Peoria area. Homeless families make up 35% of Peoria's homeless population, while unaccompanied, individual youths make up 25% of Peoria's homeless population. There are currently 12 homeless care provides within Peoria. Eleven of the twelve agencies provide emergency shelter services. Four of the agencies provide transitional and permanent care facilities.

In 1995 the city adopted a continuum of care system with the assistance of area homeless care providers. The continuum of care system consist of six areas of emphasis: preventive care, early intervention care, stabilization care, transitional and supportive services, and permanent housing and follow-up care. The system provides multi-point access and linkages among shelter and service providers.

Public and Assisted Housing Needs

In 1989, the Peoria Housing Authority (PHA) hired a private consulting firm to assist in developing the comprehensive grant application. The assignment of the Randolph/Kennedy group was to perform a comprehensive physical inspection of the Taft, Warner, and Harrison Home projects to assess their physical and management needs. The completed Comprehensive Five Year Plan outlines and prioritize funding requests for modernization improvements over a five year period. Priorities were established to fund emergency needs first. The following is a summary of that needs assessment.

Warner Homes was constructed in 1941 to house 487 families. With the demolition of one of the walk-out buildings and the conversion of several apartments for a boiler room, there are currently 407 occupiable living units. The vacancy rate at Warner is currently 15.9%.

Harrison Homes were constructed in 1942, 1943, and 1952. There are presently 777 occupiable living units at Harrison. The vacancy rate is 17.3%. The crime rate is a major concern at Harrison.

Taft Homes was constructed in 1955 to house 360 families. Eight units are currently being used for community and maintenance purposes. The vacancy rate is extremely low at 1.7%. The crime rate is relatively low compared to the other housing projects.

Needed improvements for all three housing projects include: street widening and overlays, sewer line replacements, sidewalk repairs, garbage dumpsters, landscaping, fencing, play area expansion, water line repairs, site lighting upgrades, shingle roofing and downspout replacement, attic insulation, new rear porches, interior doors, kitchen and bath cabinets and fixtures, interior paining, tub surrounds, handicapped unit conversion, hot water heaters, washer-dryer hookups, individual electrical metering, wiring and distribution upgrades.

Non-dwelling unit improvements for each site include: new day care facilities, community buildings to house on-site libraries, and laundry facilities.

Barriers to Affordable Housing

One of the major concerns of residents in the target area is the provision of quality affordable housing. It is not the goal of neighborhood revitalization to displace current residents. To the contrary, these people are the foundation of these neighborhoods.

A major problem cited again and again throughout the area revolves around the proliferation of rental housing owned by absentee landlords who are only trying to get the most money while making the least investment. In fact, in the neighborhood meetings, this was cited as the number one weakness related to housing in Peoria.

The presence of all three of the City's major public housing projects in the target area also presents a major obstacle for low/moderate neighborhoods. The negative perception of these complexes must be addressed, as does the interaction of residents with the surrounding neighborhoods.

Fair Housing

The Equal Opportunity Office provides technical advice to the City Manager and administrative staff members in matters pertaining to equal opportunity and fair housing practice.

The Equal Opportunity Office is responsible for the enforcement of the City's Municipal Code pertaining to fair practices in the areas of employment, housing, public accommodations, and contract compliance. A primary function of the EEO Office is to provide staff support to the Fair Employment and Housing Commission.

Lead-Based Paint

There are approximately 12,102 rental and 17,846 owner-occupied households which contain lead based paint. Like most cities with older housing stock, 90% of dwelling units built prior to 1940 contain lead-based paint. Even more disturbing, more than 15,000 of the dwelling units built between 1960 and 1980 contain lead-based paint.

Community Development Needs

Community development needs for Peoria include adult education and vocational training programs, business development and retention activities, affordable child and elder care programs, accessible transportation, infrastructure improvements and crime prevention programs.


Coordination is key to the implementation of the consolidated plan. Non-profit organizations, private citizens, city council members, social service providers, private developers, area businesses and neighborhood residents are key players in the coordination of programs that use CDBG, ESG and HOME funds. All these interests are balanced by the Peoria City Council, while city staff works with the federal government to ensure the appropriate expenditure of federal funds.


Housing and Community Development Objectives and Priorities

The primary focus of the consolidated plan is to "empower" neighborhood residents within our community having the greatest need. Such a priority focus is an outgrowth of the recognition that sustained community development reinvestment in our target neighborhoods will only occur by increasing the capacity of residents themselves to initiate, support and carry out the activities and make the necessary ongoing investments in personal commitments and capital.

The key objectives and priorities of the plan are to reduce crime and the fear of crime; expand job opportunities; improve public housing; promote quality residential neighborhoods; and expand education, recreation and support service opportunities.

Housing Priorities

The current stock of affordable housing is not adequate, this is reflected in the long waiting list for subsidized housing that the Peoria Housing Authority maintains. The median cost of owning, or renting a home continues to increase, while the median income declines. The city's strategy to meet this challenge will include the following:

Non-Housing Community Development Priorities

The quest to improve the quality of life broadly covers the mission of almost all of the groups involved in the consolidated planning process. In one way or another, making the target area a more inviting place to live, work, and spend time is what these groups are striving for. Crime and drug activities were listed as the number one weakness of the target area related to the quality of life.

With the use of entitlement funds the following priorities for improvement were identified:

Anti-Poverty Strategy

An anti-poverty strategy is currently under development. A committee of private citizens, social service providers and government officials has been formed to evaluate the current status of poverty in Peoria. The goal of the committee is to develop a strategic plan which will reduce the level of poverty within the Peoria area. The plan will address five key areas: teen pregnancy, family composition, illegal drug use, gangs, and discrimination.

The success of Peoria's anti-poverty strategy hinges on the committee's ability to research existing studies and inventory existing services. Coordination and cooperation with other organizations will lead to the development of a comprehensive strategic plan to address poverty in Peoria.

Housing and Community Development Resources

City leaders have recognized that a lack of financial resources hinders the ability of individuals to empower themselves. Recognizing this, a number of programs have already been put into place with the use of CDBG, HOME and ESG funds. The city has also invested substantial corporate funds to fund rehabilitation activities and infrastructure improvements in the target area neighborhoods. Private programs include local lending institutions' affordable housing programs and a wide range of non-profit initiatives. State funding sources through the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) are also available to local residents.

Coordination of Strategic Plan

Coordination is key to the implementation of the strategic plan. Non-profit organizations, private citizens, city council, social service providers, private developers, area businesses and neighborhood residents are key players in the coordination of programs that use CDBG, ESG and HOME funds. All these interest are balanced by the city council. While city staff works with the federal government to ensure the appropriate expenditure of federal funds.

The City's Neighborhood Division will assume the strongest leadership position regarding the coordination and delivery of neighborhood services. Working toward the goals of increased coordination of City services, more service will be designed to meet the needs of individual neighborhoods. New programs will help to strengthen neighborhood organizations to become more self sufficient and achieve maximum effectiveness with city assistance.


Description of Key Projects

The city of Peoria's One-Year Action plan outlines the proposed use of approximately $3.5 million in CDBG, HOME, and ESG funds, in addition to program income. These funds will be spent on an array of housing activities, including:


Roughly two-thirds of the projects in the One-Year Plan are dedicated to target area residential areas, census tracts 1-9, 12-18, 21 and 25. Funds allocated to these areas are spent mostly on housing rehabilitation activities, public infrastructure improvements and public service programs.

The following maps are included at the end of the Consolidated Plan Summary:
(1) map of the entire City showing points of interest; (2) map of the entire City showing points of interest and an outline of low/mod areas; (3) map of the entire City showing the low/mod outline and ethnic breakdown; (4) map of the entire City showing the low/mod outline and unemployment; and (5) street level map showing projects with low/mod outline and unemployment.

Lead Agencies

The coordination of the city's consolidated plan will begin with the City Finance and Planning and Growth Management Departments (Neighborhood Development Division specifically). The City of Peoria Police Department, Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce, Peoria Area Economic Development Council, Peoria Housing Authority, City of Peoria JPTA/PIC, and City of Peoria Equal Opportunity Office are also key participates in the implementation of this plan.

Housing Goals

Highlights of Peoria's housing goals for the first year include: increasing the supply of affordable housing for more than 150 households through housing rehabilitation activities; providing after- school, social and employment programs for more than 200 youths; and providing 250 emergency and transitional housing units for homeless families and individuals.


MAP 1 depicts points of interest in the jurisdiction

MAP 2 depicts points of interest and low-moderate income areas.

MAP 3 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, and minority concentration levels.

MAP 4 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, and unemployment levels.

MAP 5 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, unemployment levels, and proposed HUD funded projects; in addition, a table provides information about the project(s).

MAP 6 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, unemployment levels, and proposed HUD funded projects.

MAP 7 depicts Neighborhood Segments and streets with proposed HUD funded projects.

To comment on Peoria's Consolidated Plan, please contact:

Terri A. Harmon
Grant Coordinator
Department of Finance
PH: (309) 672-8632.

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