U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Community Planning and Development

Consolidated Plan Contact


The City of Kenner, Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, is located 70 miles east of the state's capital, Baton Rouge, and 10 miles west of New Orleans along Interstate 10. East Jefferson Parish, of which Kenner is a part, covers 30,000 acres of land from the Orleans Parish line on the east and the St. Charles Parish line on the west, and from the shores of Lake Pontchartrain on the north to the Mississippi River on the south. Although Kenner is an incorporated city which provides it's own municipal government services as well as police and fire protection, Parish government is responsible for some services such as water, schools, libraries and some major roads.

Action Plan

The Consolidated Plan include a one year plan utilizing $1,085,000 in Community Development Block Grant (C.D.B.G) Funds. These funds will be spent on housing rehabilitation, public facilities, public services and administration/planning. This plan also incorporates funds from a " Consortia" involving Jefferson and St. Charles Parish.

Citizens Participation

The Consortia designated the Jefferson Parish Department of Community Development Program a agency responsible for developing the "Consolidated Plan" for the Consortia. More over, the City of Kenner Community Development Department was responsible for collecting information for Kenner's portion of the Consolidated Plan. The goal of the Consortia was to ensure their citizens, as well as, private businesses and outside agencies were involved in the process of developing the Consortia's Consolidated Plan.

Three (3) task forces were established. The "Government Task Force" included representatives from the City of Kenner, as well as, Jefferson Parish's Department Heads. There was also a "Partnership Task Force" persons from the financial, housing educational and social service community. The "Citizen Task Force" was represented by various civics groups from Kenner and Jefferson Parish Community. Three public hearings were held at various locations in Jefferson Parish. The City of Kenner held a meeting at the Kenner City Hall. The City also published public notices in the Times- Picayune on April 20, 1995 to notify the public that a draft copy of the Consolidated Plan was available for citizens comment.


Population: In accordance with the population counts in the 1990 census, the City of Kenner has a population of 72,033. This compared to a 1980 population of 66,382 equate to 8.5% + increase over the last decade. The City enjoys a black population of 18%, and Hispanic population of 8.5%, and a population of other minorities at 5%.


Household population: The housing unit count is 27,249, with a vacant housing unit count of 2,270. The low-income population which transcends all racial segments of the community, are located in older, deteriorating housing stock. The older housing stock is still using plumbing and electrical systems installed when originally built. Many occupants do not enjoy the amenities found in newer houses. Middle and upper middle class segments of the community reside in the more recently built housing.

Market Condition: The rental market is predominantly apartment complexes, duplexes, and fourplexes. With the advent of the collapse of the economy, apartment owners have attempted to obtain Section 8 tenants to augment their rental income. The majority of prospective rental units are in dire need of rehabilitation. On the other hand, moderate, middle and upper income home sales in Kenner have sold briskly according to a published report by the Jefferson Board of Realtors, the City of Kenner has enjoyed sales in various categories:

January 1, 1991 - August 7, 1991
Homes priced $50,999 or under1186 units
Homes priced $51,000 to $100,9991913 units
Homes priced $151,000 to $200,000181 units
Homes priced $201,000 to $250,999 82 units
Homes priced $251,000 to $300,99947 units
Homes priced $301,000 and over65 units

Assisted Housing: The City of Kenner's assisted housing inventory includes; 128 conventional low- rent public housing units; 8 units of substandard rehabilitated units; 200 units of elderly housing and fifty units of Section 801; 407 units of Section 8 existing and mod-rehab units of Section 8 vouchers; and 791 units of Section 236 Rent supplement.

Housing Need

The demand for affordable and safe housing in the city's neighborhood is overwhelming to very low- income homeowners as shown by the request for housing rehabilitation assistance. Most of the homeowner applicants are elderly persons with mostly low Social Security income.

There is a growing demand from renter to purchase single family housing. Many of 10,316 household income cannot support purchasing homes. The primary housing need is for owner occupied housing rehabilitation. The city has many request for repairs to roofs, plumbing, electrical and heating/air conditioning systems.

Market Conditions

In the Consortia, especially in the older areas, owners of both renter and owner occupied housing have experienced difficulty in maintaining their property. This is particularly the population of the Consortium.

The number of new construction permits issued in Jefferson Parish for single family units between 1981 and 1990 also indicates a steady decline in housing. From 1981 to 1983 permits rose from 1,420 to 2,586. However, the issuing of permits has steadily decreased to only 162 in 1990. And due to a high number of foreclosures, some of Jefferson's housing units are deteriorating as a result of being abandoned and remaining vacant for extended periods of time. There are few vacancies and housing prices.

Affordable Housing Needs

Housing Affordability, as defined by the National Association of Realtors, has gradually been increasing in the Consortium area as interest rates have fallen. The average cost of single family housing was $74,200 in Jefferson and $68,000 in St. Charles, while median rents in these parishes were $334 and $294 respectively.

According to the 1990 Census, twenty-five percent (25%) of the households are categorized as low income. This is well below Louisiana and New Orleans MSA averages, but it still means 32,216 households in Jefferson Parish are contributing more than 30% of their income to housing, and in many cases are living in overcrowded conditions and/or are occupied by elderly persons. Jefferson's relative affluence results in a limited availability of affordable housing for low to moderate income persons. These indicators show a demand for more affordable rental housing, and lower cost/less frills owner housing.

Homeless Needs

It is estimated that the homeless population in the Consortium exceeds 1,400 persons. In Jefferson Parish 50% of the homeless are families. Their most pressing need is to be effectively incorporated into the system of available services. The most pressing need of homeless individuals is for better and more simplified ways to access job training and assistance. The Louisiana Department of Education estimates that Jefferson Parish has 562 homeless students attending public schools, 361 of which are in or below 6th grade level. There are four (4) homeless shelters operating in the Consortium's area, but their combined capacity is considered modest at best.

Approximately 1,041 of the 11,000 persons in Jefferson Parish that have been diagnosed with mental illness are either homeless, living with family members and want to be on their own, or are living in substandard housing. However, social agencies with housing programs are currently housing only 54 mental health customers.

There are three (3) agencies providing transitional shelter services and five (5) agencies operating permanent supportive housing programs, but is estimated that there is a need to increase this service for families.

Public and Assisted Housing Needs

In the Jefferson Parish Consortium there are three (3) Public Housing Authorities that collectively operates 757 units in 48 separate locations that are available to low income tenants. The consortium's public housing inventory is in very good condition. The Housing Authority of Jefferson also services 1,215 Section 8 existing certificates, 58 moderate rehabilitation certificates, and 200 voucher certificates to low and very low income families.

Barriers to Affordable Housing

Public policies do not appear to adversely impact housing affordability. There are no court orders, consent decrees, or HUD sanctions that will affect the city's housing goals during the term of the Consolidated Plan. There are some regulatory and environmental standards which may affect housing affordability.

Fair Housing

Kenner as part of the Consortium, will continue to offer a Fair Housing Program involving counseling services, equal housing opportunity and the processing of housing discrimination complaints. The department is presently developing a comprehensive Fair Housing Analysis.

Lead Base Paint

Approximately 82% of Jefferson Parish 185,072 housing units were built prior to the lead base paint ban (1978). However, 4% of Jefferson Parish's housing stock were built prior to 1940 during the time of the highest use of lead paint on the interiors of homes.

The overall goal is to reduce or eliminate lead based paint hazards and prevent childhood poisoning. Towards this end the Jefferson Parish Housing Authority will require owners of Section 8 housing units to certify that abatement of any lead based paint has been implemented and/or certify that the units are free of lead based paint hazards. In the homebuyer, homeowner and rental rehabilitation program administered by the Department of Community Development Programs, units will be inspected for lead based paint, and all surfaces appropriately abated if lead is found.

Community Development Needs

In the planning process for the Consolidated Plan, the following Community Development needs were identified by citizens and other agencies.


The needs of the Consolidated Plan will be coordinated through the Jefferson Parish Consortia. Various social service agencies will coordinate the needs of the elderly and disabled. The Kenner Planning Department and Economic Development Coordinator have agreed to help in the implementation of the Plan.


Vision for Change

The City of Kenner will emphasize the following:

Housing and Community Development Objectives

The city's housing and community development objectives are aimed at the principal of addressing the needs of low and moderate income families.

The strategy of the city over the next five years will be to:

Housing Priorities

The city believes that rehabilitation of existing owner-occupied housing is a high priority. Rehabilitation and preservation of the housing in the community is vital to preserving the current stock of low cost affordable housing and to overall neighborhood revitalization and preservation. To expand affordable housing opportunities for low-income families, City of Kenner plans to:

Non-Housing Community Development Priorities

Community Development priorities and objectives include: coordinating community resources to encourage economic development, increasing employment of low/mod income persons, assisting in the development and expansion of small and minority-owned businesses, renovating neighborhood parks and playgrounds, increasing supportive services for youth, and providing infrastructure improvements in low/mod income areas.

Anti-Poverty Strategy

Kenner, in cooperation with various agencies for profit, as well as, nonprofit will work toward reducing the cities poverty. The city is providing for homeless preventions, as well as, economic opportunities.

The city will assist households below the poverty level with various programs to uplift their financial status.

Housing and Community Development Resources

Financial resources will come primarily from Community Development Block Grant and other federal sources. We are anticipating federal funds under Section 8, Public Housing and Consortia HOME Funds.

Coordination of Strategic Plan

The Jefferson Parish Department of Community Development Programs is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the Consolidated Plan. There are, however, numerous other public and private agencies and community-based organizations that play a major role in executing components of the plan. Therefore, the parish offers technical assistance to help establish and build partnerships with and among these agencies and organizations. The monitoring of the parish's subrecipients of HUD program funding is considered part of the technical assistance program and an opportunity for further team-building.


Description of Key Projects

The 1995 City of Kenner Action Plan outlines the proposed use of approximately $1,085,000 (does not include HOME and Program Income) of CDBG. These funds are used to improve the housing and public infrastructure, and to provide community facilities and services. Some of these program activities include:


Based on the 1990 Census Demographies we propose to implement the majority of our projects in census tracts 207, 208, 209. These contain the largest number of low-moderate residents.

Housing Goals

The City of Kenner's housing and community development projects are expected to directly benefit 25 households. These benefits will be in form of new electrical, plumbing, roofs and ventilation systems. We are also expecting to provide two Community Centers which will benefit three census tracts. There will also be area wide activities which benefit large numbers of citizens. Public service will provide safe and educational environment for well over 200 youths. There will be a senior citizen van which will provide services for approximately 64 senior citizens.


MAP 1 depicts points of interest in the jurisdiction

MAP 2 depicts points of interest and low-moderate income areas.

MAP 3 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, and minority concentration levels.

MAP 4 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, and unemployment levels.

MAP 5 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, unemployment levels, and proposed HUD funded projects.

MAP 6 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, unemployment levels, and proposed HUD funded project(s) from a street level vantage point; in addition, a table provides information about the project(s).

To comment on Kenner's Consolidated Plan, please contact:

Edgar Bernard
Director of Community Development
1801 Williams Blvd.
Kenner, LA 70062
(504) 468-7588

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