|PROJ_ID|                         PROJ_TITLE                    |FUND_SRC |
|     1 | Rehabilitation Activities Single Unit Residential     |MULTI    | 
|     2 | Rehabilitation Activities Multiple Residential        |MULTI    |
|     3 | Construction of New Housing                           |         |
|     4 | Homeless Shelter Rehabilitation                       |ESG      |
|     5 | Weatherization Improvements                           |CDBG     |
|     6 | Acqusition                                            |         |
|     7 | Clearance/Demolition                                  |         |
|     8 | Relocation                                            |         |
|     9 | Public Improvements                                   |CDBG     |
|    10 | Direct Homeownership Assistance                       |         |
|    11 | Essential Services and Homeless Prevention  Operation |ESG      |
|    12 | Public Services                                       |CDBG     |
|    13 | HOME Administration                                   |HOME     |
|    14 | HOME Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO)|HOME     |
|    15 | Planning and Urban Environmental Design               |CDBG     |
|    16 | General Program Administration (CDBG)                 |CDBG     |
|    17 | Contingency                                           |CDBG     |